April 2023 TEACHING
Read MoreApril 2023 Abhay Kumar Shah suggests mudras for balancing your endocrine system, which helps regulate the body’s complex functions The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs. It uses hormones to control
Read MoreMs Anjali, a 32-year-old native of Thiruvananthapuram, now settled in Ernakulam, Kerala, has been on a unique mission at an age when young women are immersed in pursuing a career. For the past several years (except during the COVID period), Anjali, along with her guru,
Read MoreApril 2023 Suma Varughese traces her journey from being in thrall of the other to the point of not minding what the other says or does. Yesterday, I met a couple of friends for lunch, both of who were quite devoted to me. Or
Read MoreApril 2023 Our
Read MorePayal K Talwar shares how Bach flower therapy—a holistic and alternative modality that uses flower extracts—transformed her life.
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