Energy Healing Therapy - How it Works for Self Development

Contributed by :Mrs. Mahalakshmi Rajagopal
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The energy field is scientific. One doesn’t exist without it. Yet, a lot of debate and different shades of acceptance exist with regard to energy field and energy healing therapy to heal the body or the mind. Here, I would like to share my first-hand experience of the wonders of working with energy.
The shift...
As a youngster, I was an impatient and aggressive adolescent. Reasons: some known, some unknown. Soon after college, my first job gave me the first-ever exposure to the field of energy work. The center was for holistic healing and therapy, reiki, pranic healing, acupressure, jin shin do, foot reflexology, and many more.
A few sessions of personal experience made me feel some shifts in emotions. I was surely curious to know more, but then, it was not the internet "zamana," hence, I just let them be. Amidst other activities and chores, my curiosity and interest in energy work took a back seat. Soon I realized that it was only temporary. Marriage and two kids later, I was desperately searching for some supportive therapies to help my children with health issues. This led me to a pranic healing center.
The journey begins...
My journey began that day when I stepped into the pranic healing center for some energy healing therapy. Although my need then was to heal my daughters, I began to lend my healing skills whenever there were requests. Simultaneously, I continued my journey in the field by equipping myself with more skills. As I proceeded to equip myself and regularly practiced self-healing, besides healing others, I began to observe many changes in me.
The first few things were overt, such as a glow in my face and texture of my skin getting better (although I have never had any skin problems and so never gave any healing for just that). Slowly, my emotions began to develop more maturely. My thought processes became more balanced and objective. My ability to let go and my courage to forgive and, more importantly, ask for forgiveness began to surface. These changes were there to stay.
With all these changes, my capability to handle situations and experiences became more mature and responsible. Gradually, my immediate family, too, began to notice these changes in me. My interpersonal relationships improved at every level. Self-healing, meditation, healing others continued….. I gradually and steadily transferred from being religious to spiritual. In the beginning,
I did face hurdles as I used to get upset when people questioned my “non-religious” practices. Questions like "how do energy healing work?" or "does this healing work?" hit me. But with time and further practice, I was able to accept these comments objectively as I empathized with those who questioned me. They obviously could not observe my growth. Besides, they were free to express their opinion.
Benefits of energy healing therapy
Energy healing and working with energy strengthens one’s energy field, increases one’s state of wellness, and enhances one’s spiritual growth. Regular practice empowers you to perceive every struggle as a challenge; every stress as an opportunity; and every threat as a chance to improve.
These words may sound lofty, but in reality, they are being expressed because of my first-hand experience. Many a time, I have had loved ones appreciating me for handling certain situations with ease. That is when I honestly realized that those situations seemed extremely challenging for a common man and I had never felt so. Now I am not and never will be superhuman. I also will continue to attribute such growth and maturity to energy work and energy healing therapy.
Does a healer fall sick?
Some very easily observable shifts are, of course, in my physical health. I rarely get affected by any contagious ailments, simple or complex. Be it a simple cold/viral fever, I remain immune to it. Fever is something that seems to stay away from me. Some years back, I was suffering from jaundice. Doctors were surprised that I did not report temperature even a single day.
Another important transition I have observed is an ability to accept the physical ailments objectively, as simply as wearing out of the body and not “ How can I, a healer, fall sick?”
Then slowly, this also spreads to mental health – better resilience, experiencing more positive emotions, empathy, loving-kindness…..
On the higher level
As one works on his/her energy field, there are other transitions too - when one’s energy field begins to experience a higher level of sensitivity. During this period, one would feel, “Oh! It is difficult for me to go to X’s house. The energies there are unhealthy. Or negative.” This is normal.
As one begins to work on his/her energy field, this subtle sensitivity is bound to be experienced. Some people stop at this stage, thinking, “my spiritual pursuit is blocking my relationships and, hence, I don’t wish to continue.” But one needs to mindfully work beyond this state.
What I mean to say is: we need to continue to work on our energy field/aura, strengthen them to the extent that the negative energies in the environment hardly matters. This is possible, only if we pursue our spiritual journey, not heeding these obstacles. As we move ahead in our spiritual journey, using a combination of self-healing, inner reflection, and meditation, gradually, we learn the art of perceiving the environment objectively. This helps us in not just maintaining relationships, but nurturing them too. We also tend to function like magnets, attracting healthy relationships to our circles.
The constant need to delve deeper into the self, the thirst to be continuously in touch with one’s soul, and to listen to it can only be experienced and not explained. While am not sure if this state of experience can be brought about by other practices, I can only speak from my own experience.
My experience says that for a better lifestyle and enhanced growth and evolvement, simply start your journey with energy work today. Energy healing therapy is the thing to do.