Healing AIDS Through a Divine Connection

Contributed by :Mrs. Neeta Sharma Kumar
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I am sharing a unique experience with you which I saw as a weird dream while meditating. I believe that it carries the solution to a deadly disease like AIDS. The world is full of undiscovered secrets, and healing AIDS is one of them.
I entered a dreamlike state as I sat down to ponder. A few minutes into it, I achieved the peak connection with my supreme spiritual self.
As I bathed in light, I asked, "Why does AIDS exist?"
The divine light answered, "AIDS exist in humankind because of the aliens who came to invade Earth."
I replied, "Tell me more about it."
As the conversation progressed, I came to know that the aliens came in the form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The invasion turned out to be a massive failure, and therefore, they got trapped on Earth. To date, they are facing repeated failures in an attempt to escape this planet. HIV aliens intended to mutate human bodies so that their kind could survive on earth which they aimed to enslave. They had not considered the compatibility between human bodies and virus. Somehow, human emotions affected the alien DNA, and it ended up mutating itself. The Higher Self of Viruses requested help in the retrieval of their souls to cross over. I agreed to help them as I realized the gravity of this issue.
I thought, "This is the moment which can heal humankind and aliens."
Healing AIDS with Extraterrestrial Life
The moment the divine crystalline light connected to my supreme spiritual self, I started conversing with the Higher self of viruses. It asked me to help the aliens in finding a human who has experience in PLR and understood the soul.
The first lot of viruses sent on that fateful mission to earth was considered by us. We started counting the total number of aliens on the globe to date. We were dismayed at what we found. Neither human souls nor the alien souls had transitioned into the light. It was up to us to find a solution to this problem.
I knew that that the task came with a huge responsibility as it was going to happen through my supreme self and that of viruses. We became successful in separating the souls of humans and aliens. Most aliens were found alive in human bodies. Unfortunately, others had perished during their prolonged stay on earth. Without delay, the separated ones were gathered and sent to their planet successfully. The souls of dead HIV helped their counterparts in crossing over. Once they reached their destination, they were made to go through the healing and rested in isolation until their recovery.
When Divinity Helps in Healing AIDS
We were grateful for the divine intervention. It guided us in our quest to find a solution. Consequently, the dream of healing AIDS was actualized. The aliens were rescued and released along with human souls. The precious lives got healed of a life-threatening disease which has claimed countless lives. The souls of dead viruses helped their counterparts in crossing over. I gained consciousness the moment the dream ended. For sure, It was an unforgettable experience. I came to realize the power of spiritual awakening.
A Note to the Reader
Look inside your mind; the answers you seek are ingrained in your soul. Most of all, connect with your supreme spiritual self because there are many secrets which are waiting to be unravelled. You are an integral part of a limitless universe because your soul has a purpose. Even though it may not seem so in the first place, the path to discovery is a road worth taken. As long as you remain connected with your supreme spiritual self, nothing is impossible to achieve. Your existence carries more strength than you think. With this in mind, go explore your soul.
About the Healer
Neeta Sharma Kumar carries vast experience in reiki healing. She is a certified practitioner of past life regression, life between lives spiritual regression, transpersonal regression, reiki, karuna reiki, theta healing, NLP, meditation, BEBE therapy, aura reading through senses, hypnotherapy, numerology, dream analysis and counseling from past 15 years. Her skills also include Divine Navel Awareness.
To book an appointment with her, click here
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