Past Life Regression Case Studies: People Fought their Fears
Contributed by :Ms. Aakankssha Gupta
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Have you ever imagined why you behave in a particular manner, why some things attract you a lot, why you repel certain things in life??? Past life regression case studies will help you know why.
It is the deep work of the unconscious template that dictates our choices, our reactions to situations, people we choose to partner with, and also our physical health and habits. The unconscious mind has memories of a lot of incidences; it even has memoirs of previous life experiences.
Although we do not remember them distantly, these experiences do have a deep bearing on our current day life in terms of all aspects of life like color choices, food habits, friends, family, fears, phobias, emotions, etc. Past life regression is an important healing modality, which helps us to understand that we are a soul driving to move on our path towards the Supreme. It is particularly useful to deal with issues that have no 'rational' cause. It helps to solve relationship issues with friends, family or partners.
Most of the past life regression case studies reveal that further fears of heights, fear of water, claustrophobia, etc have been seen to stem from past life traumas. In these cases, past life regression is very effective.
Examples of one of the past life regression case studies
Example 1:
One of my clients had a fear of water and a breathing issue. She recalled that in her last life she had jumped in the lake and committed suicide. She carried the choking feeling and the fear of water with her.
After recalling the incident in the past life regression session she has been able to let go of the fear completely and does not need any sprays for breathing. Many times, people tend to suffer pain, which has no medical cause. This can be due to past life traumas as our bodies are a reflection of our conscious and unconscious mind.
As a result, certain traumas that occur in past or previous life can manifest as physical symptoms in this life as well.
Example 2:
One of my clients had severe backaches which had no medical reason what so ever. Continuous visits to doctors did not help.
When she did a Past Life Regression session she found herself in Mexico where she was a cowboy and fell off the horse. Her back was broken into 3 parts and at the exact points where the back had broken, she still felt a pain in her current life.
After the session, her pain vanished and has not come back ever since.
The above examples of past life regression case studies suggest that this is a great therapy, which helps us access details about our past that harbors invaluable information about our current life. It further gives us an opportunity to read the 'book' of our lives and take necessary action to solve our habits and problems.
It helps to understand patterns in our lives, stand up for ourselves, raise a voice against abuse, and end chapters in our lives that, no longer, serve us. It is a great way by which we can bring closure to difficult and painful lives and redirect them. This helps in our personal evolution as a whole.
I thank my clients for giving me permission to mention their details as a part of this article to help the reader understand the issue in detail.
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