Contributed by :Dr. Shiva Swati
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In the three cases cited below, hypnotherapy and past life were used along with applied psychology to change the internal dominant focus to the positive to heal severe depression and create motivation for work.
The three cases cited here were suffering from severe depression when they came for therapy. Individualized Clinical Hypnotherapy was applied along with psychoanalysis, age regression, dialectical behavior therapy, and cognitive behavior therapy. About six to twenty hours of therapy was required depending on each case.
A standardized psychological questionnaire was used called the Beck’s Depression Inventory to test the levels of depression before and after therapy. The scores on Beck's Depression Inventory were of severe depression in all three cases. Two were cases of unipolar depression and one was a case of bipolar depression. Scores of depression came down to normal in all three cases after therapy sessions, which is tangible evidence that therapy worked other than the people feeling optimistic about life again.
While the unipolar depression healed completely, bipolar symptoms reduced considerably but did not go away completely. All three cases reported inner child healing issues. There were cases of severe trauma in childhood. The clients went through tears and outbursts during therapy. After past life regression with soul healing therapy was done, they could achieve their ambitions through some minor changes in their thinking patterns which helped them focus on positivity. Due to inner child healing, the internal dominant focus changed to positive.
The girl was around 23 years old, the boy was around 27 years old and the third case was around 45 years old and a doctor in philosophy.
The girl had trauma around sexual misbehavior in school. She was also severely depressed because of the misbehavior of one particular friend. In past life, it was found that he had committed suicide, as a man, because he was betrayed by his wife, who was the same girl. She saw about ten lifetimes, in one of which she had become a famous actress in Hollywood but had committed suicide in later years. She saw successful lifetimes and lifetimes of poverty and realized that life was an illusion to learn soul lessons. Over time, her trauma reduced. Her parents were advised to not force her into family functions wherein she felt lonely and alienated. She was allowed more space and restarted her career with deep inner satisfaction replacing depression.
The boy was in trauma as he had studied engineering but hated working on the same. He took five sessions of therapy and saw a suicide in one of his lifetimes. He also saw himself as a Samurai warrior in another lifetime where he had killed several.. The lifetimes were rescripted to find positivity in the present life. His parents were advised to allow him to change his career line. He decided to study and pursue design and started staying happy and in light.
The third case cited is of a PhD Research Fellow, aged 42 years. This case is given in much detail in my book “Understanding Depression through Clinical Hypnosis”. The lady was in guilt as she wanted to complete her book. She took sessions of hypnotherapy and inner child healing. She went through several tears and the release of trauma from her childhood. This lady was the daughter of an Army Colonel and an Army Medical Officer, both in very high prestigious positions, but went through severe trauma in childhood maybe due to past lives. She was an atheist and did not believe in past lives and hence, did not take past life therapy. However, she felt calmer and was able to write and publish her book which she had wanted to, for years.
After therapy, the girl learned to use forgiveness and forget, the boy changed his line and moved into designing which he enjoyed very much and the research fellow could write and publish her book. This therapy was solution-focused and employed an eclectic approach.
Around 20- 55 hours of therapy was done in each case over 4-11 sessions