Few Tips for Proper Concentration

Contributed by :Dr. Sachitra kumar Chakravorty
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The power to concentrate was the most important thing. Living without this power would be like opening one’s eyes without seeing anything.
We live in a world of massive distraction. No matter where you are today, there is always going to be distractions. Your colleagues talking about their attachments with someone, notification messages popping up on your screens, and not just your mobile phone screens. And even if you try to find a quiet place, there will always be someone with a mobile device that is beeping and chirping.
With all these distractions, it is incredibly difficult to concentrate on anything for very long. Something will distract you and that means you will find it very difficult to focus on anything.
So how to concentrate better? How to focus better and produce work that lifts us and takes us closer towards reaching out to your goals.
What does one do to improve their ability to concentrate? It takes the discipline of frequent self-reminding. You learn to focus by making yourself do it — again and again — until it becomes a habit, a way of thinking.
Here are some specific tips:
1. Value attentiveness
2. Live in the now
3. Be more aware
4. Notice the little things. Develop an eye for detail
5. Set goals, and monitor your progress
6. Identify your "targets of attention."
7. Shut out distractions
8. Don't multitask
9. Fight boredom
10. Make emotion work for you
11. Practice attentiveness
12. Learn how to meditate