September 2018 Horoscope Floods you with New Hopes and Heights

Contributed by :Ms. Hemma Krishna
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Rains have flooded many parts of India, but don't let worries about the future flood your mind. Read September 2018 horoscope and prepare yourselves to go with the flow of life.
1. Aries
During the initial few days of September, you may find the energies slightly low and your strength and spirits dipping.
Card for you: Five of Pentacles
What it means:
This tarot card indicates that financially this can be a challenging month and you will encounter unexpected expenditures. The funds from expected sources can have undue delays. Thus, card urges you to plan finances accordingly. You can also expect a phase of confusion regarding a business deal. All this can bring a significant shift in your thoughts, eventually encouraging hope and generosity. You may undertake a spiritual quest to seek the truth. There may be a destined encounter with a Spiritual Master, Guru, or Psychic.
Personal life:
In terms of relationships, single Arians may attract a suitable soul. Those who are already engaged will want to surprise their partner by planning a small weekend getaway, which can be a memorable one, especially near the beach.
As per September 2018 horoscope, you may plan a small weekend getaway, especially near the beach.
2. Taurus
During the first week of September avoid plunging into making any decisions without careful thought.
Card for you: Hermit
What it means:
If any partnership or expansion is on your mind, think deep and hard before committing yourself to any long-term plans. If things are turning difficult at the work front, express what you believe in without fear of criticism or being anxious. Financially, a stage of confusion will prevail for a few weeks. Most of you will want to be more self-assured at this phase of life. It’s time to get your priorities sorted.
Personal life:
On the personal front, this month invites harmonious relationships. Existing relationships are expected to improve. It can be an ideal time for dating. Socializing is favored because of your increased popularity, making this a prolific time to entertain family and friends.
Your card, according to September 2018 horoscope, indicates overseas travel. This will bring in success and recognition.
3. Gemini
A lovely month ahead for Geminis.
Card for you: The Hierophant
What it means:
Your card indicates that financially things will gradually get better. This phase bestows you with optimism and enthusiasm, feeling more stable and in control of life situations. You will be taking bigger decisions at work and the home front. Elder male member will play an interesting role in guiding you well. It’s a good time for consolidating your investments.
Personal life:
Friends and family will be supportive. Spend time and have fun with them as it will boost your personal and professional life because it opens your heart and stimulates the confidence needed to advance in your life. You may feel the need to mend relationships and rifts that disturb your inner peace.
As per September 2018 horoscope, chances are developing for you to go abroad in connection with your profession. Though the traveling may take place at a later stage, the universal planning for the same would be happening now.
4. Cancer
Cancerians hit a phase where they need to be prepared to accept slight challenges in professional life.
Card for you: Five of Cups
What it means:
Your card indicates a period to embrace change and go with the flow. Regret over lost opportunities may bring sadness and denial. You may face power struggles or fears of loss, possibly work-related. Relax a bit; it’s just a temporary phase. Confusions may envelop you for a few days. You recognize the need for focusing on what you would like to improve. Sort out your paperwork and get organized. Health of a loved one may cause a bit of worry.
Personal life:
Personally, rejoicing with family will be your priority. You may get involved in religion, spiritual groups, or an occult field like astrology or learning tarot. September looks good for students.
Your card for September 2018 horoscope predicts a rewarding trip. This will bring in popularity as well as financial deals. Business trip to the UK or the US will be beneficial.
5. Leo
This is a turning point for Leos in many ways.
Card for you: The Sun
What it means:
Your tarot card brings in a positive note on the professional front. Socializing, networking, and promotions are all at the forefront. You may find yourself getting a lot more attention. Your talents and confidence will receive recognition. Contracts and negotiations will conclude favorably. Your card indicates financial gains.
Personal life:
Those looking to get married can expect wedding bells during winter. Students will be able to concentrate on the educational front and also will showcase achievements. Your moods, however, show a different story altogether. You can expect frequent mood swings. Work on fear of loss and your possessive behavior. Too much jealousy may cause you to lose the person you love.
Those wishing to go abroad, it’s the right time to begin their efforts towards the same. A business trip to Dubai or China will be beneficial.
6. Virgo
This is an interesting month for people born under Virgo.
Card for you: The Judgment
What it means:
It is that time of the year where you assert yourself for a cause and aim at getting the results of past hard work. Your card indicates that you will have new insight into how to handle your job or business. You can expect recognition for fetching something really remarkable for your organization that exhilarates the business or discovers solutions for existing problems. Your child may need special attention. Spending time with him/her will be delightful.
Personal life:
Personal relationships can improve by your positive attitude and amiability, which will lead to your personal growth and self-esteem. It’s an ideal time to broaden your horizons and learn new skills through study and long-distance travel.
Business travel near the sea or a waterfront will be beneficial, e.g., Goa, Chennai, or Mumbai. Those traveling for negotiations in export-import can expect good news.
7. Libra
Work-wise things may get tedious and monotonous.
Card for you: High Priestess
What it means:
Your card for September 2018 horoscope indicates that it’s a time of cautious expansion. You are likely to get a few opportunities for growth. You can rely on your inner voice to choose those which can be a blessing to you. Sudden changes in the company may lead to temporary insecurity. Negativity or doubt at the workplace may distract you. The card advises you to be patient with investments and increments. Health-wise, you may consider taking up alternative healing as a treatment for a recurring ailment or you may decide to learn to heal yourself. Take care of your digestive system and watch out your daily routine.
Personal life:
Relationships will have deeper spiritual connections and singles may even find their soul mate. Take out time for family and kids.
Planning a business-cum-pleasure trip with family will be memorable.
8. Scorpio
Scorpios can expect delays and minor disappointment from others this month.
Card for you: Eight of Swords
What it means:
Your card indicates temporary stress. But, in time you will find that things have turned out to be better than you ever thought or hoped for. This month can bring a challenging test of your character and authority. Power conflicts in the workplace can lead to an unpleasant scenario. Delays in payments and financial matters can persist until the second week of September. Don’t depend much on other people’s commitments, as you may face disappointment.
Personal life:
On the personal front, old friends or lovers may reappear. This could cause problems in an existing relationship. There are chances of knowing someone new this month. You may even decide to start a new course of study.
As per your card for September 2018 horoscope, you may expect your traveling plans to be postponed for a while but will be finalized soon. China, Thailand, or Mumbai can be beneficial for business.
9. Sagittarius
People applying for loans can expect it to come through this month.
Card for you: Ten of Cups
What it means:
Your tarot card for September 2018 horoscope brings in a phase of material security and happiness and often marks a time of financial gain. Ideas, future planning, business ventures, investments - all will be on your mind. Entering into new agreements can be profitable with known people. Co-workers at the workplace will be helpful. Traveling can be fun as you meet helpful people during the trip. Many of you are expected to get into investments or spending on unfinished tasks.
Personal life:
Personally, the card of Judgment propels you to take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or when provoked. You will be unsure to trust people around. Avoid committing yourself without weighing the pros and cons.
Visiting an outstation friend or relative, preferably near hills say Dharamshala, Shimla, or Assam, will rejuvenate your energies.
10. Capricorn
Too much or too little of anything may not be so healthy for you in the long run.
Card for you: Justice
What it means:
Your tarot card recommends taking a rational view of the situation or issue at stake by being logical and objective. Try not to be judgmental about your or other’s actions or intentions. The card for September 2018 horoscope expects you to pay off your debts. You can also expect positive outcomes if any legal issues are involved. You may sell an ancestral property. If you have been going overboard lately, your card advises you to be moderate in your activities and bring balance in your life.
Personal life:
Cooperation and compassion are key to maintaining harmonious relationships at the personal front. Capricorns can expect a significant positive shift in relationships, only if they remain grateful to a higher power. Your health is good and you may find yourself getting back to routine.
Travel close to the mountains will be fun and romantic.
11. Aquarius
There is a window of opportunity out there, but you got to take a stand for it.
Card for you: Seven of Cups
What it means:
Whether it is literally a new career or an enterprise or a chance for greater clarity within a relationship, this card recommends you to get up and take charge of your life. At work, you may find yourself getting bored and also being targeted. Try focusing on resolving issues at work and home calmly. Get yourself in touch with the real you, without depending on material possessions or fake friends.
Personal life:
Personally, you will suddenly find yourself acting with greater awareness and taking decisions mindfully. A slightly different approach towards relationships can help in improving situations. A greater interest in spirituality will make you feel more compassionate, ingenious, and optimistic by the end of this month.
A business trip to Mumbai, Chennai, or Colombo can fetch you work.
12. Pisces
The end of September will provide you with some relief, especially in your profession.
Card for you: Ten of Swords
What it means:
Your September 2018 horoscope tarot card assures you that you are at the end of a hard situation. Professionally, you might feel that everyone is against you. Your co-workers may start distancing from you, leaving no explanation behind it. People, who were supportive, may start showing apathy towards you. Businesses may need a fresh burst of energy and you may consider diversifying or expanding your line. Card also shows that, as you have been subject to many tensions and worries in the past, you will get relief now.
Personal life:
On the personal front, you can expect compliments, offers, and gifts. Socializing is favored because of your increased popularity, making this a wonderful time to entertain others. Good news regarding conception may fill hearts with joy for those who are planning a family.
This is a good period to travel abroad and plan relocations.