Tarot Card Reading for Year 2019: The Hanged Man

Contributed by :Mrs. Avril rodrigues
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The year 2019 adds up (2+0+1+9=12) to a 12 universal year. The number 12 in numerology signifies completion. You might be wrapping up certain situations in your life and you are moving forward to bigger and better things. It is connected to the star sign Pisces, which is a spiritual sign.
The energies of this year give you an opportunity to turn over a new leaf. The year 2018 was a challenging year for many. The number 12 puts an end to the challenges and propels us forward.
The number 12 can be reduced to the number 3, which is all about joy, creativity, and communication. So, 2019 will be a year of fun, feeling lighter and free in all aspects of life.
During this year, we can replace our irrational and limiting thoughts with healthy and constructive thought patterns.
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The Hanged Man
The Tarot Archetype connected with this vibration is The Hanged Man.
Most people are intimidated by this card. However, if you examine the card carefully, you will see the halo around the hanged one’s head and a very content facial expression. He is effortlessly hanging upside down.
How does this connect with our everyday life?
This card shows us exactly what needs to be done.
Whenever we are faced with a challenging situation or when an important decision has to be made, we need to suspend ourselves for a while. Hang up our worldly activities and turn inwards for regeneration and inspiration (signified by the halo on the head.) In this way, our decision or action will be from a centered or spiritual place.
The Hanged Man’s hands are hidden, depicting a letting go of personal efforts, a complete surrender.
For many of us, letting go is extremely difficult. The energies of this archetype are within us. All we have to do is tap into its energy and allow peace and contentment to settle in our lives.
The suspended position represents mental and spiritual turn-about that comes through meditation, study and other types of centering techniques. It offers us the option of viewing life from an altered or transcendental state.
The man is tied to a tree. The tree represents the Tree of Life or The Source. Thus, we learn that we are nourished, protected, and provided for by our efforts and our ties with The Source.
This archetype helps us to carefully examine and appropriately dissolve our judgments about what and who we must, should, or ought to be. We become more accountable to and reliant upon our Higher Self and are not swayed by what others suggest and dictate. We become less overwhelmed by external influences and view them from a centered and intelligent position.
This archetype reminds us that the world is not just a place to struggle. It can be enjoyed and celebrated as the path back to The Source.
The key meaning of this card is to let go of control.
You must stop focussing on everything that is wrong in your life or that is wrong with the world and instead draw your heart, your thoughts, your communications to what is light, love, and beauty in the world. Don’t get dismayed about how hopeless a situation might be; instead, surrender and know that Life is indeed beautiful.
You can come to know these teachings in the following ways:
- Colour or draw your own version of the Hanged Man with yourself as the figure.
- Set the card in a visible place as a reminder to your conscious and subconscious mind to use and absorb its teachings.
- Dream about the Hanged Man.
- Contemplate on a challenging situation and then view it from its 180-degree opposite or reversed position.
- Request the hanged man to guide you through this situation.
- Be aware of how you feel. The archetype brings stability.
- Ask yourself the following questions: "Where would I like to feel more secure and stable? What thoughts and actions should I suspend? What attitude, behavior, condition or person would I like to reverse my experience of? What do I hope to gain from the sacrifices that I am making?"
- Say the affirmation: "I relinquish my attachments and fears in the faith that this sacrifice of invalid patterns will open me to a new life.
May the year 2019 be truly joyous, creative, and spiritual for you!