How to Stay Positive and Say ‘no’ When Others Put you Down

Contributed by :Ms. Ankhee Gupta
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You belong to a world where you feel there are venomous eyes, plastic smiles, and hearts greased with malice.
If things go wrong at home, you are worried.
If there is a slight feeling of discomfort at your work-place, you try to digest as much as you can since ‘a protest’ might be detrimental to your promotion.
Criticism and negative comments pull you down. People jeer at your failure. This upsets you more.
Some people are rude. They try to mangle your image for reasons unknown.
If you have faith in your talent, any company will be ready to hire you. Please take special care of your self-respect.
Let sadism be plagued and do not stop nurturing your ‘ever positive soul’.
Your well-wishers have the right to reprimand you, check you when you go wrong but if someone is trying to derive pleasure by putting you down at every point….
Ignoring would be a temporary relief. While you try to ignore and pretend that everything is fine, a major part of your mind will be occupied by negative thoughts.
Let this pain, this suppressed anger be redirected to help you perform well. Make it tough for people to find faults in you. Even if they do, they must know that they are dealing with a ‘perfectionist’.
Do not argue or use any defense mechanism when you know that you are wrong. Learn from your mistakes and shine.
We all have a ‘spark’, we just need to realize it!
Close your door for those relationships that turn toxic.
While self-assertive behavior is helpful, self-doubt at every point can bungle things. The way your reaction should always be based on the type of situation you face.
Trusting the wrong person must not lead to sobbing. It must lead to ‘lessons,’ which help in making big decisions in life. You are in charge of your own happiness. Your confidence must allow positivity to reign. Count on your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
External issues must not disturb your internal peace.
Face the truth: The world likes to see you down...always
The world around you is always waiting to see you torn into pieces.
The unhealthy competitive spirits them urge them to see the worst in you.
When this is known to you, an unknown fear keeps working. You perform in ways that suppress your talents.
Never give chances to others to jeer at you by knowing your weaknesses. Open up only to the ones who are your well-wishers.
Learn to differentiate. Your soul, too, needs to breathe. People will never change their mindset or their ways of thinking because that is something they have believed in and grown up with.
Set challenges for yourself, conquer, and explore.
If something or someone is trying to snatch away your peace and is detrimental to your growth, focus more on your actions.
You are special the way you are.
You might take ages to satisfy others but remember that was not the only thing you were sent here for!