The Modern Goddess & Her Pursuit of Perfection

Contributed by :Ms. Karishma Manchanda
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Just like everything we know of is nothing but a form of energy, beauty ain’t different. Beauty is a frequency, a vibration of a perceived emotion and not a commodity.
Are you beautiful?
In today’s world, it’s impossible to escape the avalanche of subliminal messages that insidiously tell women how she should feel, look, think, and act as well as what she should eat, wear, drink, and watch. Parental and societal conditioning take another toll on what a perfect woman must be like… beauty with brains perhaps!
This relentless brainwashing is merely a marketing strategy to have millions of beauty & slimming products being sold to women each day. Parasitic and self-sabotaging beliefs do more harm than good to us. From silicone implants to our body fat sucked from those so-called ‘problem areas,’ the fast-paced life and media have made many of us believe ‘there is something wrong with me’.
You are the Creator – Do you know?
When a woman buys into these distortions she denies her true self and forgets to feel the unique expression of the Creator that she is. Instead, she is taught to reject her true authentic self, is made to feel uncomfortable about her body, and told that her sexuality is not sacred.
She is made to feel that something is wrong with her, that she is too fat, too ugly, too old; and from a young age is subliminally programmed to compare herself to other women. It is not surprising that as women we dip in and out of low self-esteem, confidence, and body image depression.
The incomplete woman?
When a woman forgets about the loving and natural beauty of her heart, she becomes more prone to anxiety that centers around‘I am not good enough.’
When we reject our authentic expression, we begin to feel incomplete. This creates emotions like loneliness, shame, and guilt. These emotions tend to build in stress in our body and increase cortisone levels, further damaging the body’s metabolism, creating lethargy and weight gain.
We forget how radiant our natural divine expression is, being a unique expression of the Source itself!
We forget that everything happens in the Divine order and if we were ought to be different- slimmer, fairer, prettier and whatnot, the Creator would have created us that way.
We forget that nothing happens without a reason and that there must be a Divine reason for us to be who and how we look, act, and behave.
In our modern society, a woman is taught to sexualize her body. She learns to project her sexuality out of her body to gain approval from other people, usually men; and fails to realize the scared goddess that she is.
This stops her from being able to listen to what her body needs to eat and when. When one is out of sync with eating digestive problems, bloating, and constipation prevail. This, of course, continues the cycle of ‘there’s something wrong with me.’
Today, ‘I am not good enough’ has become an epidemic. But once we realize our true innate power and shift our mindset that beauty is a frequency, we begin to look for new ways to generate such emotions. With natural, holistic ways of healing and dealing with such limiting beliefs, we begin to remember that you are an amazing woman who has healing abilities to awaken ‘joy,’ ‘sensuality,’ and ‘vitality.’
To this effect, we, at Inner Freedom, conduct a women special course to help the modern goddesses realize areas in her life that need to be resolved. Rejection of our own femininity and limiting the expression of our true authentic self leads to a plethora of modern lifestyle disorders impacting the reproductive system.
This is no surprise why health issues such as PCOS, fibroids, infertility, breast lumps, cervical cancer, thyroid, and many other hormonal disorders are common these days.
Once you start to realize that you have the power to make changes and this power is within you, the body starts to respond to the altered state of frequency, from rejection to acceptance and from self-hate to self-love.
As the Law of Attraction sets rolling and manifests your experiences based on the higher frequency you vibrate at, life seems to transform.
The beauty test for women
- For one week take a few minutes off for yourself and meditate.
- Reflect upon what it means to be a sacred, true woman.
- Gift yourself time to feel your beauty. This will help you embody it.
- Turn your beauty regime into a ritual and lovingly celebrate your face and body.
- Realize your connection with the Source of all that is.
- Dive deep into your subconscious and release the subliminal messages from advertisements and media that keep you trapped in an illusion.
- Transform your limiting beliefs until you love the ‘temple’ (body) you live in.’
Let go of the limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs:
- ‘I am not good enough.’
- ‘I am ugly.’
- ‘I am fat.’
- ‘I have to fix myself.’
- ‘Everyone else is more beautiful than me.’
- ‘I feel uncomfortable in my skin.’
- ‘Beauty is bought.’
- ‘My body is wrong.’
Move into the state of undying acceptance and self-love…
Use the below affirmations to help revitalize the Goddess within you:
- ‘I am just the way I should be.’
- ‘I radiate with beauty.’
- ‘My beauty is unique and magnificent.’
- ‘My sexuality is sacred.’
- ‘I accept and love my body exactly as it is.’
- ‘My body is a temple.’
- ‘It’s safe to feel beautiful in my skin.’
Remember, the Universe cannot do anything for you that it cannot do through you…
So, if you wish to revamp your life to manifest love and abundance if you wish to make your life grand, the first step is to re-engineer your consciousness and own your personal responsibility to make wiser choices!
It is only when we abandon our 'being a victim' mentality, own our shadow self and 'become the creator of our own destiny', that the Law of Attraction truly starts to align in our highest best.