Power of Affirmations: Make Bhagyavidhata Work for You

Contributed by :Mrs. Archana Rajendra Kulkarni
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As I studied Hypnotherapy and other related modalities, everywhere I found a huge use of affirmations. I realized that the power of affirmations is everywhere.
Healing starts with the use of affirmations. When we put our desire in the form of affirmations, we cause something to change in our subconscious mind.
But I was a little more curious about how can a positive sentence, repeated several times, bring in such a huge change in anybody's life?
Understanding the true "Bhagyavidhata"
In India, from childhood, we hear that our destiny is decided by the "Bhagyavidhata" and we have to go through as per whatever our Karmas are.
Power of affirmations...hmmm...it was a big question for me.
If this is the truth, can we really change our destiny by mere positive sentences or use any other modality to change our current situation?
Even as a therapist, I have seen changes in people's lives and on my own too. But still, this question was nagging my mind.
And whenever I have put forth my question, I have received answers.
So, here it is.
How we came into existence
Yesterday I was listening to the discourse given by one of the Swamijis from Yogoda Satsang Society of India (YSS). Swamiji explained how our physical body comes into existence.
He said, first our Causal Body is created. It is made of thoughts. Just like, if we want to construct a building, first that thought has to come into our mind.
Then, when that energy of thought becomes more condensed, the Astral Body comes into existence. Just like, once we finalize our plan of constructing a building, we put up that plan on paper. So we give some solid form to our thoughts.
Then finally, we start construction and a solid form comes into existence. This can be compared with our physical bodies. He went on explaining other things, including the power of affirmations.
The "Aha" moment
I was hovering on the explanation and the example given by Swamiji when I encountered the 'Aha' moment. This explained to me why affirmations work.
If our current physical condition is created because of some thought at Causal Body, we really need to go back to the thought level to change our current reality. By the power of affirmations, we can change our thought patterns. This then comes down into the Astral Body and, finally, our current reality changes.
But this was not sufficient for me.
I discussed it with Rajendra (my husband). I asked him to explain more about the Causal Body. He said Causal Body is the link between Universal plan and individual plan for the Soul. He said that the Causal Body contains information about past karmas of the individual Soul as well as the Divine Plan for the Individual Soul as per the Cosmic Plan.
I got the answer to my second question. Yes, we can change our current reality, i.e., destiny.
Changing destiny through the power of affirmations
We should strive to change those parts of our reality, which we have created from our past and past lives. Those are our wrong beliefs, perceptions, negative emotions like hatred, guilt, shame, anger, etc. We need to clear the clutter from our subconscious mind and Causal Body.
Once it is cleared, our Causal body will carry only the Divine Plan for us which is always in our best interest. As we continue to clear the clutter through the power of affirmations, our Intuitive faculties open up and we naturally do the things, which bring happiness, joy, success, health, wealth, and peace in our life.
By the way, this also explains, blaming any outer world reality doesn't help us to change or remove our problems. Because outer world reality is the reason for our own Causal body.
So, the first step towards healing begins when we are ready to stop blaming others for our problems.
The power of affirmations is with you. Keep working on your self and keep transforming your life....!!!