4 Powerful Feng Shui wealth colors and how to use them
As you enter any room of your house, let your eyes rest at the far left corner of the room. It is an important and powerful corner. In Feng Shui, this corner is the Wealth Corner or Money Corner of your home. It is also called the Fortunate Blessings Area. Use Feng Shui wealth colors in this corner and change your fortune.
A studio apartment would have only a single Wealth Corner and this one is highly powerful. This is because, in a studio apartment, this is the only room that serves as living room, bedroom, kitchen, worship area, and more. If the Feng Shui of this room is correct, chances are highly likely that you may move to a bigger apartment soon!
Do's & Dont's of the Wealth Corner
Keep the Wealth corner of your room tidy and clean. If there is a window in that corner, keep it sparkling clean. Make sure there are no broken panes and loose hinges.
Decorate the corner with expensive items. Use rich drapes for windows. Use Feng Shui wealth colors as discussed here.
Hang a crystal if possible. It should be positioned in such a manner that it does not touch the windowpane.
Decorate the Wealth Corner of your kid’s room by hanging a picture of the head of the family or parents on the wall of that corner. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the kid may grow up to be arrogantly powerful in the household.
Do not place sharp-edged bare glass in this corner.
Do not keep malfunctioning or broken items in this corner.
Avoid placing trash can in the Wealth Corner. In case you cannot avoid it, especially in the kitchen’s Wealth Corner, make sure the trash can has a lid.
Feng Shui wealth colors to use in the Wealth Corner
Expert advice: Use the right color in the most powerful corner of your room and within six months you would be amazed by the results!
Here are some of the most powerful Feng Shui wealth colors that attract money and overall prosperity:
1. Purple:
Purple is a royal color. So, naturally, it is associated with richness. However, it is not for everybody. If you do not like it, you may use the other colors mentioned here. It is not mandatory to use this color.
Do you know there was a time when only the royals were allowed to use purple? This was in ancient Rome and China.
If purple attracts you, it is for you. It not, use another Feng Shui wealth color.
Purple looks awesome with pink, white, yellow, beige, and green. Purple combined with black gives a highly grave tone, so avoid it. Also, avoid combining blue with purple. In case you do not like purple, you can use violet, which is a fiery version of purple with more a red hue.
How to use it?
Paint the wall of the Wealth Corner in purple or violet.
Use a purple drape for the window.
Use a purple or violet wallpaper.
Do any of the above and see the striking change in your monetary life within months.
2. Red
This is yet another “color of richness” in Feng Shui. We are talking of bold and fiery reds here, not the earthy tones.
Scarlet, crimson, Chinese red, and oxblood red are some of the colors that you can use in the Wealth Corner.
How to use it?
Paint the wall of the money corner a bold red! Yes, you read it right. Many people refrain from using red on walls, but you only need to paint one wall in red.
In case you dislike this idea, you can use a rich red drape in the corner. If there is a window, use long satin red drapes. The length should be such that it touches the floor.
You can even hang a large painting that contains lots of red, but no bloodshed picture, please.
You can place a table done in red in this corner or maybe a big table lamp.
Whatever you do, just make sure you inculcate lots of red in your Wealth Corner. Make it a rich corner. Let it stand out in the room.
3. Blue
The richest blues are cobalt blue and royal blue. They are the best for your Wealth Corner. Usually, blue is a cool color, but the rich blues have a tinge of warmth in them.
Yet, experts do not recommend using them for Feng Shui Wealth Corner of the bedroom. Blue, no matter what shade, has a basic cool nature. So, if you want a sizzling hot relationship with your partner, avoid using this cool color in your bedroom.
How to use it?
Again, you can use rich blue drapes for the window.
Paint the Wealth Corner wall in blue.
In case you wish to put any major item in this corner, make sure it is in blue color or any of the colors discussed here.
If your refrigerator happens to be in the Wealth Corner, replace it with a cobalt blue one, or drape it with a rich blue cover. Avoid using magnets and sticky notes on the fridge door. Keep your appliance shiny and clean.
Too dark a blue can make a room serious. Balance the ambiance with other colors in the remaining areas of your room.
4. Green
Green soothes the eye. Many people paint their room walls with light green. However, Feng Shui wealth colors depict richness.
The greens that you must use in the Wealth Corner are Kelly green, forest green, and emerald green.
How to use it?
One of the best things about green is that its shades hardly clash with one another. So, you can mix and match the shades and create a beautiful look in your Wealth Corner.
So, if you are baffled about the money situation in your life, try the above Feng Shui tips. Get your home's Wealth Corner right. Use the above Feng Shui wealth colors and create a favorable financial condition in your life. For more information on Feng Shui and how to use it for other aspects of your life, you can contact a reputable Feng Shui therapist near you. It is time to find the best solutions for your life's problems.
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.