How to use crystals for healing: 7 Powerful ways to heal
The day the atom was discovered, the world woke up to the jolting fact that everything is energy in the Universe. A rock, a crystal, a wall, a chair, a tree, a water body, a metal, and your body - all are made of energy. They exude a certain vibration. You may not see it, but you can feel it once you know how to use crystals for healing.
Crystals possess metaphysical powers. The ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, and Mayans knew this. They considered them sacred stones. The ancient people adorned their bodies and buildings with crystals not just for aesthetic purpose. They actually knew how to use crystals for healing.
Just look, Crystals are around you!
Look at your watch. It possesses tiny quartz crystals to keep time.
Look at your laptop or iPhone. Its electronic components use crystals. You may have not realized but most of modern technology uses crystals.
There are crystals in medicines too! Those pills that you pop may contain ground crystals containing important minerals.
Crystals surround us today. We may even be swallowing them, but we hardly realize their powerful healing property!
The magnetic effect
Crystals are similar to magnets. The latter use energy to repel or attract. In the same way, crystals use energy. They can suck stale energy and infuse in you fresh energy. When you know how to use crystals for healing you will be astonished by the noticeable transformation in your energy levels. Crystals can change your vibrations.
When you place crystals over certain areas of your body your energy shifts, pulsates, vibrates, and transforms. All this happens in accordance with the property of the crystal.
How to use crystals for healing?
The Earth has thousands of crystals. This means a huge amount of healing energy lies on the Earth and it is yet to be used!
Thanks to certified crystal healers around the world, we can now rest assured that this "bomb" of positive energy does not go unused. Millions of people have realized the power of these mesmerizing stones and use them for overall health.
There are 7 ways to use crystals. Healers and scientists all over the world have found these ways to be extremely powerful.
1. Wearing crystals:
The characteristic of crystals is that they repel, attract, absorb, and transmit energies. So, when you wear them on your body, you can balance your energy chakras. They work on your energy fields throughout the day and night. You can wear them in a ring or bracelet or a neckpiece or earring or anyhow you like.
Here, you need to be careful about what kind of crystals you are wearing. In this regard, you must contact an experienced crystal healer who has in-depth knowledge of crystals, how to use crystals for healing, and how to choose a suitable crystal depending on body type.
A healer may also ask you questions on your overall current status of life, say, your finances, emotions, relations, career, etc. Wearing a particular crystal can help shift energies and change your situations in life in various aspects.
Wearing crystals is like taking vitamin supplements. Just like supplements nourish the body and balance nutrients, crystals on your body energize you and balance your energy centers. The difference is that supplements work on your physical being, whereas crystals work on your energy being.
2. Placing crystal stones on certain body points:
You may have heard or even undergone a stone massage. This involves placing stones at specific points on the body for a while. This is somewhat similar. Unless you have good knowledge of how to use crystals for healing, you must let a certified crystal healer do this for you.
Placing crystals on body parts is a direct and specific application. This is done when you need to heal a particular area. For example, in case of a headache, you can place a quartz crystal on the aching area for a while. It is similar to applying ointment to the affected area on the body for direct treatment.
3. Meditating with crystals:
Do you know crystals are millions of years old? They have absorbed a lot of vibrations from our history. Information is energy. And these crystals absorb them.
A quartz crystal has the power to hold data that is equivalent to the data held by about 22,000 iPhones!
The information captured in the crystals in the form of energy stays intact over the years. That's why a crystal can be a great companion to you!
Sit quietly with your crystal. Concentrate on it. You may close your eyes, feeling the texture of the crystal. Or, you may keep your eyes open and simply gaze at the crystal. As you still the mind, you will feel as if the crystal is speaking to you! As you open your mind and heart to it, you can receive some brilliant, life-altering insights from this charming sacred stone. It's like holding a powerhouse of energy in your hand. It's an experience to remember.
4. Healing with crystal grid:
A crystal grid features a layout of crystal stones in a particular pattern. The pattern is designed to transmit energy A grid serves as an excellent medium for energy transmissions. Using a grid is not something new. This was practiced ages ago. Today, it is fast catching up with the modern crowd thanks to the growing awareness of the healing power of crystals. Once you know how to use crystals for healing, you enter a whole new world of energies and healing with the Divine touch.
There are several crystal grids. Depending on the condition and treatment required, a healer uses the grid. Sometimes, the healer uses the same crystals. At other times, he or she uses a combination of different crystals in the grid.
5. Sleeping with crystals near you:
When we sleep our subconscious mind becomes active. This is the best time to heal. In fact, medical experts have proved that the body repairs and regenerates itself at night when we are in deep slumber. So, this can be a great time to use crystals for healing.
Place a suitable crystal under your pillow or beside your bed. Observe how it affects your sleep, your dream pattern, and how you feel when you wake up the next morning.
Before going to sleep, use a crystal wand and move it from your head to toe, clearing negative energy. Remember, your energy field extends to 3 feet around you. So, work on your whole aura with crystals.
In this case, it is important to use the right crystal for you. If you are doubtful on how to choose a crystal for healing, please consult a healer. He or she will guide you in choosing a crystal and in using it in the right manner.
6. Moving crystals over your body:
It is not always necessary to simply place a crystal over a body part. You can also move them throughout your body for maximum healing effect. A crystal wand does the trick.
As you move it from head to toe, it clears off negative energy from your aura. A healer can guide you properly on how to use crystals for healing in the form of a crystal wand.
7. Placing crystals in your home/office/vehicle:
Crystals not only heal but also empower an intention and protect you.
Say, you can place a crystal in your car to thwart negative energy that may attract accidents or breakdowns. What you need to do is place your intention in the stone and then leave this stone in your car. You can do the same for your home or workplace.
Rose quartz is known to attract romantic energy; so you can use it in the bedroom.
How to cleanse your crystal?
Crystals absorb energies. This makes it crucial to keep them clean. This holds particularly true when you are using crystals for absorbing negative energy. Your crystal is now filled with this energy and you must cleanse it before using it again.
When you buy a crystal you must cleanse it before using it. Crystals in shops absorb different kinds of energies from people who may have touched them. So, you must cleanse your crystal and align it with your energy to use it effectively. When you learn how to use crystals for healing you must also learn this important step.
Ways to clean crystals:
• Soak your crystal in pure water or some holy water or salt water. Please do not soak amber or selenite, as they will dissolve in water.
• Smudge with white sage around your crystals to cleanse them of negative energy. You can also use incense sticks or other dried herbs used for smudging.
• Give your beloved crystal a moon bath. Place them under direct moonlight.
Once your crystal is clean, it is now time to align the stone with your energy.
This is how you align a crystal with your energy:
• Hold the crystal in your hand.
• Place it on your palm and wrap your fingers around it.
• Now close your eyes.
• State your intention.
• Thank the crystal for the healing that it will provide.
You must always clean your crystal every time you use it. When you wear a crystal stone you must clean it daily before you wear it again the next day. Similarly, you must clean a crystal wand or stones used in the grid after each healing session.
When you learn how to use crystals for healing you must also learn how to cleanse them, align a new crystal with your aura, and store them. Each step is important to keep the healing power of the crystal intact. It also helps to reap the maximum healing from the sacred stone. For more information on crystal healing or to enroll for a course in this therapy, please contact the best crystal healer near you.
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.