Is Past Life Regression Safe? Explore the Unknown Side of You
Digging into your past life seems fascinating. But, is past life regression safe? This is not about brooding about your past; this is going to the next level - peeping into past life or lives. Before you decide to undergo this intriguing therapy, you must know that you are not the body. You are the soul...and souls are free.
In the words of philosopher George Santayana: “If we really want to know who we are, we best learn who we have been.”
No logic, please!
If you are about to use your logic with regard to this therapy, then you will be disappointed. You would even find the therapy useless. Logic makes no sense here. Do you know what the biggest joke on us is? The Divine or whatever you like to call has given us a logical mind and an illogical life. That's why we try to understand life's events but in vain.
Past life regression is a kind of hypnotherapy. Experts use it for healing at the emotional level. This can also help to bring physical wellness because many physical complications arise due to long-held emotions. And if you are thinking is past life regression safe, then let me tell you - it is safe.
The therapy digs into your subconscious mind. Freud Sigmund, the famous psychoanalyst, revealed three layers of mind: conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. The conscious mind is the logical mind. The subconscious is the storage data that stores recent memories. The unconscious mind is the "untouched" layer that stores memories of the past. It is here that you need to dig into when you need answers to all the illogical things happening in your life. You will discover astonishing past life regression stories.
Don't ask, is past life regression safe, just do it!
Firstly, past life regression is safe. The beauty of our mind is that it is under our control. We can train it and use it as per our wish. So, as long as you are not ready to go into your past, your mind will not "push" you into it. Hypnotists know this better. According to them, you cannot hypnotize a person against his or her will.
Therapists also say that the subconscious mind shows only those images that you can handle. People, especially the sensitive ones, are usually apprehensive about this. They fear to enter into their past. They fear it would hurt them.
This does not happen. You can always come out of your past life, in case you feel you cannot handle the scene. It is not mandatory that you must go through. However, therapists recommend that you go through, as it helps you understand the "why's" of life. If you avoid, you let the issue stay unresolved. Again, I must mention for those wondering, is past life regression safe, that it is safe.
It is true that you may go through disturbing moments of your past, even see people dying or see your own death during a session. Yet, past life regression is safe. The therapist utters certain words that suggests your mind to stay within the safe zone while exploring the unknown realms of past lives. For you, it is unknown; but your unconscious mind knows it. This level of your mind has the power to contain memories from various past births. They linger on birth after birth, until you address them.
This is what happened to me
When I underwent a past life regression session I doubted whether it would work. I also had the same question in mind, "Is past life regression safe?" Then, when the therapist led me through the "staircase" fear crept into me. Where was I going? What is going to happen?
My mind froze. My rigidity, which arose due to my fear, hindered me to enter my past life. The therapist had to try longer to bring me into the trance-like state where I could free the reigns of my mind. As a result, my mind could travel freely in my past lives.
Nothing happens as long as you don't wish for it. The Law of Attraction is based on the fact that you control the mind and can achieve what you believe. What you imagine gets manifested into reality, if you convince your mind at the unconscious level that it is real.
Similarly, past life regression works only when you want to explore your past life and believe that it can, to some extent, helps solve issues in your current life. It also helps to know the answer to "Is past life regression safe?"
Once I relaxed and shed my fears, my unconscious led me into my past life...
The first scene I saw was of a primitive man. Then, the scene changed. I was driving a heavy vehicle with my partner (of my current life) seated beside me. (My partner is no more now.) We had an accident. My partner was profusely bleeding from the head. I saw myself holding him with his bleeding head in my left arm. I felt something heavy in my left arm as if I am actually holding something. Then I saw his death. Tears rolled down my eyes.
I could no longer bear it. I asked my therapist to stop and bring me out of the trance. She did. I was back to my current life. My eyes were moist. My left arm was in pain.
It seems like real
The scenes were vivid. It seemed like it was truly happening. I could feel everything, physically and emotionally. The phrase, "once-in-a-lifetime experience," suits here. This is where the crux of past life regression lies. You re-live your past life scenes in relation to the issue you want to address. It is this that helps you resolve issues of your present life associated with your past life.
The fact that scenes from the past appear so real makes people wonder, "is past life regression safe."
The secret of the "staircase"
The imaginary staircase that is typical of all past life regression sessions symbolizes the path to a past life. As the therapist asks you to descend the staircase, you actually descend deeper into the layers of your mind until you exit from your current existence. You enter past existence.
The therapist then guides you to a garden. This is a safe zone. Whenever you encounter horrifying scenes from your past life and they start disturbing you the therapist will ask you to imagine being in the garden. Deep breathing is essential. So, those asking, "is past life regression safe," get their answer in the garden!
So, if you have questions in your current life that you don't seem to get answers to, try past life regression. The possibility of getting answers from your past life is high. A past life regression therapist can help you.
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is a senior content writer at lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.