Pranic Healing Expert Reveals the Secret of Healing

Contributed by :Mrs. Mahalakshmi Rajagopal
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Pranic healing is one of the many complimentary healing systems that the world follows. Healing or therapy that adds support to an individual’s healing/growth/development is a complementary healing technique or supportive technique. Many times, these complementary healing techniques, by themselves, do bring about a miraculous transformation or healing in the client. But a good pranic healing expert never advocates against a regular system of treatment. In this article, I attempt to explain the healing system as well as give an insight to the benefits of this system beyond healing.
This healing technique has always existed in our lands from time immemorial. According to me, “ dristi chutthal” or “Nazar utaarna” is an unstructured form of pranic healing. Master Choa Kok Sui introduced this type of healing in a structured form to the planet. He is known as the Modern Founder of this technique.
The no-touch therapy
Pranic Healing is a non-touch therapy. As the name suggests, this healing technique is all about healing the prana in the individual with the help of prana. Yes! A pranic healing expert is simply a channel for the flow of energy. He/she heals the dirty/negative energy in the client with the help of the energy in the environment. The science behind pranic healing is simple. The technique deals with energy and science, too, believe that everything is made up of energy.
Who is a healer?
I have a lengthy answer to this. But to put it in one sentence, I would say that every individual who thinks regarding the welfare of another is a healer at that moment. He/she simply transfers energy in the form of thought into the Universe for others’ wellbeing.
Approaching it from this perspective, every mother is a healer; every good friend is a healer too. Every time any person conducts the ritual of removing the “negative eye” with fervor and faith, he/she is a healer.
As in any method, a structure, a logic, a strategy is essential for better functioning and effective results. Pranic healing course and healers who practice healing follow a structure, a methodology, a strategy for diagnosis and for treatment.
Process of scanning in pranic healing
The healer assesses the aura and each chakra by a technique called “scanning.” This indicates the state of energy in each chakra and also provides a direction for the treatment. An understanding of the condition of the aura and chakras gives a direction for the treatment.
Many a time, the client may share only certain details about his or her problem. The efficiency of the healer in scanning helps him/her to delve deeper into the problem, identify the chakras causing the core problem. Scanning also helps the healer to understand the amount of cleansing to be done; energizing to be done; the frequency of sessions and prognosis.
This healing method offers solutions to various types of physical and psychological ailments. While no healer would ever proclaim independent success in the absence of regular treatment, many chronic and age-old cases of arthritis, asthma, and sinusitis have been found to be healed.
Pranic healing for prevention
Pranic healing experts may use this therapy for prevention too. The energy field first gets contaminated and there is a period of lag time before it manifests in the physical body as disease. Hence, an efficient scanner can identify the possible issues and heal the client before it manifests in the body.
Some years back, a lady approached me with abdomen/back pain, which was sharp but lasted for a few seconds. Her abdominal scan (medical) was normal. But my scanning of her energy field indicated dirty energy in the kidneys. She discontinued healing and, sure enough, within a few weeks, another scan showed kidney stones. She underwent therapy for the same. This way, pranic healing can help in prevention too.
Some people may look down upon this healing therapy as some sort of voodoo or something. Please remember, pranic healing is not black magic. It is a science and an art that uses energy.
Beyond healing body and mind...
Pranic healing is much beyond healing the body and the mind. It helps one to cleanse the physical environment too with the healing techniques. Pranic healing helps one to understand the impact of one’s thoughts on his/her environment, on his or her own energy field.
Regular use of the techniques helps one to assess the negativity in the environment, protect oneself from it, and also cleanse the environment of the negativity. The chord cutting practice is very effective. I suggest it to a lot of my clients. Almost every ailment has an emotional cause. So, whenever a client approaches me, irrespective of the ailment type, I always integrate the pranic psychotherapy technique with healing for physical ailments. The results are simply amazing.
I encourage my clients to learn this technique. Even if one doesn’t have the mindset to practice as a pranic healing expert, the techniques, once practiced regularly, helps one to strengthen one’s physical body and keep it healthy. It also helps one to maintain a healthy mind, besides helping to keep the energy in the environment healthy and positive.
Going to the next level
Regular use of the healing system enables one to develop the subtler faculties and, thus, enhance one’s higher faculties. Regular practice guides the practitioner towards the path of spirituality, character building, and, in a way, enhances the practitioner’s soul. It also brings in evident changes in one’s lifestyle such as higher levels of energy, better resilience, healthier physical body, more emotional maturity, and a higher level of altruism and empathy.
Pranic healing course or a session does not ensure you a sickness free life. But it surely strengthens you to such a great extent that, firstly, one is able to have higher immunity and, secondly, one develops an inner strength to handle adversities. One gets the endurance to pass through them in a healthy frame of mind.
Pranic healing is not just about healing. It is surely an effective solution for the prevention of ill health and the promotion of wellness. This healing technique is a strategy that enables a person to develop holistically and evolve as a better human being. It encourages a person to follow the path towards higher planes. This kind of healing is a sure path towards better physical and mental health. It brings about spiritual development.