Theta Healing Technique: Tune in to the Theta Lifestyle
Ever felt Mother Nature? We are a part of it. Our body is made up of five elements of nature - Earth, Space, Air, Water, and Fire. Alas, our materialistic desires have overshadowed our natural instincts. We are naturally inclined with nature, but we have learned to suppress it. This is where the root of most of our physical and mental problems lie. Theta healing technique helps you connect with the Universal energy present in Nature.
Theta healing makes you aware of all living beings present in the Universe. It could be the tiniest insect to the largest galaxy. It makes you develop compassion for fellow humans and organisms on the Earth.
This is Theta lifestyle. It is about being in tune with Nature, being connected with the Universal life force energy.
Here's how you do it
When you wake up:
Every day when you wake up you must work on your beliefs. These are the positive beliefs we are talking about. Beliefs have the power to alter your lifestyle. The opposite is also true. Your lifestyle plays a role in forming beliefs.
So, when you wake up every morning, extend yourselves to the Universe. This helps you feel more alive. You are better able to sense life around you.
Observe trees, birds, insects, animals, and everything natural around you. Don't just see; look at them with admiration.
Look up the sky. Watch the clouds. Bask in the morning sunshine.
Carry out your morning routine with a smile. As you bathe, thank each part of your body for being healthy and beautiful.
During the day, as soon as some negative thought ruffles your mind, cancel it immediately by saying "no." Then think something positive. End with a smile.
Do you know what the first rule of theta healing technique is?
You must bring your brain to the theta frequency. This is the state of mind that features relaxation. Your consciousness takes a backseat and your subconscious mind takes control. This is the state in which you can alter your beliefs and tune them towards the Divine Plan. You begin to see the larger picture of life. When this happens life's ups and downs seem trivial to you.
Interestingly, you begin to stay happy and calm no matter what. As your mind becomes free of negativity and the stale stuff, positivity and freshness rush inside. The mind becomes healthy. Healthy minds are happy minds.
When you go to bed:
Before hitting the bed, remember the Divine.
Thank the Divine for everything you have in your life. So what if your dreams are still unaccomplished? You still have things that you must be grateful for. Don't take them for granted. These are blessings. Even the things you don't want and you have are blessings in disguise.
An attitude of gratitude is an essential component of a theta lifestyle.
How to do theta healing on a daily basis
Observe things around you; imbibe their vibrations. Become aware of how you feel. Imagine a white light surrounding your home, your car, and your body. Clear clutter from the house. Let positive, fresh energy enter your home and your life.
Do you know every object exude energy?
As humans, we can feel other's thoughts. We may not know what exactly they are thinking, but we can sense their vibes, which is nothing but energy. Believe it or not, you can feel whether the person near you likes you or abhors you. You can feel repulsion and attraction. You can feel comfort and discomfort. We are pulsating beings. We radiate energies and thoughts, which, again, are waves of energies.
Everybody is intuitive. This is our basic nature, as we all are energy beings. It's just that we fail to realize or hear that tiny voice or feeling that nudges us from time to time.
Theta healing technique for food
Food is an indispensable part of a lifestyle. One of the best ways to live a theta lifestyle is to eat only those foods that your body needs. Don't be a slave to your taste buds. You can tame them. They easily adapt to your food intake.
You may have seen instances where people ceased to eat meat. After a few months, their taste buds got so adapted with vegetarian food that they, no longer, craving for meat.
If you can win the initial temptation, you can win the battle with your taste buds.
Fill yourself up with lots of "live" food - fresh veggies and fruits - enzymes, water, and such nutrients. Avoid dead meat. Avoid processed food. Well, this one may be difficult looking at the wide variety of processed temptations available on the shelf. But at least you can cut down on such food.
Bless everything
Before you put food in your mouth, bless it. Bless the source from where it has come. Bless the person who has cooked or from whom you have bought it. Also, bless everybody who has been involved from A to Z in helping you provide food on your plate. Do this and you will realize that food tastes better. You will increase the enjoyment of eating.
While walking, bless the ground. Feel the environment. Let Mother Earth heal you. If possible, walk barefoot, especially on grass.
When you drink water to bless it. Do you know water molecules have a memory of all the things they come in contact with? Freshwater possesses a wonderful ability to heal.
One of the best things about theta healing technique is that when you send a blessing to something or somebody, their energy being also sends you a blessing. This heals.
This is how you live the theta lifestyle. It transforms you. It connects you with all things and expands your horizons. You are, no longer, body and mind. You are a radiating energy being. This helps you live a life of peace and harmony, which is actually the way of living.
Love yourselves and love will come to you
One of the reasons that people are not nice to you is that they do not love themselves. This is not about you; this is about them. So, do not be disheartened, instead, pray for them that they find love for their own selves. Bless them. Yes, this is hard. How can you bless somebody who is mean or cold to you? But, this is the way of theta lifestyle. This is one of the essential parts of theta healing technique.
When you bless somebody you extend your loving self to others. Loving another person does not mean only seeing the good things in him or her.
"If you are good, I will love you." This is the ordinary way.
"I will love you for what you are." This is the theta lifestyle way.
Well, that does not mean you tolerate the abuse and objectionable behavior of that person. In case of an abusive relationship, simply bless the person that he or she realizes what they are doing and you may end the relationship if it does not work. Loving and blessing somebody does not mean you have to be with that person. You can go away, yet love him or her. This is unconditional love, which comes naturally to people who live a theta lifestyle.
Theta healing technique helps you develop this lifestyle. This may not be an overnight transformation. For many people, it may take time to shift to this lifestyle.
Some people take extremely long to even become positive. That's okay. Take your time. Be patient with yourselves. Mind you, to love yourselves, you need to have a positive state of mind. You just cannot love with a mind full of negativity. Don't believe this? Try loving yourselves with negative thoughts! The power of positive thinking is magical.
The Theta lifestyle love "mantra"
"I love the Divine and the Divine loves me."
"I know the power of the Divine and the love that radiates from this energy."
"It is absolutely okay to be vulnerable at times and let yourselves be loved."
"I know how it feels to have somebody who loves me."
"My life is filled with loving people and favorable circumstances."
What are "mantras"? They are a group of words that you speak or chant repeatedly. So, you can repeat any of the above sentences or all of them throughout the day, anytime and anywhere. You can modify them as per your language and feelings, but the words must be positive. Avoid using any negative word, including "do not." During theta healing, the brain is in theta state and it is easier to "feed" your subconscious with the positive.
Chanting of mantras changes the frequency around you. So, when you keep repeating positive things the energy around you turns positive. You attract the positive. According to practitioners of theta healing technique, you attract as per your state of mind.
Learning theta healing technique
This could be an enriching experience! Do you know theta healing training in Delhi is a rage? This shows the growing awareness of people towards this healing therapy. This also shows that people want to give theta lifestyle a try. They are so serious about it that they want to learn! Becoming a theta healer, in itself, is a healing experience.
A famous adage goes, "Practice before you preach."
Theta healing classes in Delhi give you an opportunity to learn the therapy and practice it as a certified healer. First, start living the theta lifestyle yourselves. Only then can you preach about it, right?
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.