CBD and CBD Oil: What is it and Does it Really Work?
If you haven’t heard anything about CBD and CBD oil, then you must be living out of this world. Everyone is hyped about it and it’s actually the talk of the town in the whole of America. You will find almost everything containing CBD ranging from oils to creams, ointments, and even gummies. Before we can proceed any further, I am sure a number of you don’t really know what CBD is all about. For this reason, I will briefly give oversight and talk about the impacts of this product.
What are CBD and CBD oils?
Cannabidiol also normally referred to as CBD is a concentrated liquid extract of the cannabis Sativa plant. Basically, the cannabis plant contains very many compounds but CBD is the most common and recognized of them all. The compounds found in this plant are generally called cannabinoids. Now the two most common ones are CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is a psychoactive compound that usually results in a high feeling when consumed. On the other hand, CBD does not have these effects.
This is the reason why CBD oils are accepted and legal to sell in some states in the US. They are even placed under FDA. There are claims and even scientific proof that suggest CBD oils and other hemp CBD products can help in the treatment of certain health conditions.
How is CBD different from marijuana?
This is where all the confusion comes in because so many people believe CBD oils have the same impact as marijuana. However, this is not true. For starters, CBD oils are extracted from the hemp plant. Similarly, unlike marijuana, this product does not cause a high feeling. In this case, there will be no addiction or dependence issues. This is what distinguishes CBD from marijuana.
Why do people use CBD oils?
You must be asking yourself, what exactly are the benefits of CBD oils. Well, the reason is the fact that it has the potential to help in the treatment of some health conditions. The research evidence is not yet conclusive on the impacts of this product. However, people who have used it before claim it worked for them in various ways. In recent times, people use CBD oil when trying to eliminate stress and anxiety. A number of people reported the product greatly helped them calm their nerves and get back on track. Furthermore, it can help in the treatment of chronic pain. Apparently, patients dealing with arthritis reported positive results after using CBD oil. You can read more about the benefits of CBD oil on What Is CBD Oil?.
What should consumers know?
There are still ongoing studies on the effects of CBD and CBD oil on human health. The truth is the product may work for some people in dealing with conditions such as anxiety and chronic pain. On the other hand, it may not be helpful to others. Keep in mind, there is the potential for side effects.