Cure Depression Without Medication: Just Use Your Five Senses Here!
In this fast-paced world, when somebody says "I am in depression" nobody takes them seriously. This is because almost every person today ends up saying, "Oh, I feel so depressed", without truly understanding what it is. To make matters worse are people who think that medicines can cure every ailment on the earth. Popping pills seem to be the trend these days. However, you can cure depression without medication.
But for that, you need to know what exactly depression is. Something does not go your way and you feel disappointed is NOT depression. It is normal to feel sad, but when sadness crosses the danger line it is depression.
Alas, people have misunderstood depression and think of it as normal sadness. Pop a pill and you will feel better and energetic. How wrong!
Depression is different from Sadness
Depression or depressive disorder is a typical and genuine medical ailment that adversely influences how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. Fortunately, it is treatable. Depression causes sentiments of pity as well as lost enthusiasm for the activities once relished. It can prompt a whirlwind of psychological and physical issues and can diminish a person's capacity to work (at the workplace and at home). Often, people use sadness and depression interchangeably, which is misleading. Sadness is a natural reaction to any unpleasant event, while depression is a long-lasting condition with adverse consequences.
How to cure Depression without Medication
Although popping pills may seem to be the fad, there are people who don't wish to use medicines. So, they seek comfort in Nature for solace or rejuvenation. This is not something new. The ancient people lived in the lap of nature and never felt depressed! They, too, had their "doses" of sadness but could cope with them effectively. The positive powers of nature helped them figure out how to get rid of negative thoughts and be recuperated.
We have not just distanced ourselves from nature and its rhythms, we have estranged ourselves from nature to such an extent that many individuals now think it is debilitating. People have begun to realize the value of nature and how it is been misused and even abused in the rat-race of development. Humans have exploited natural resources for a long time without realizing that it is the only resource that can heal us; nothing else would help.
How to use your Five Senses to cure Depression
Nature acts as a natural antidepressant and works in mysterious ways. At times, we fail to understand the mystery behind Nature's wonders but we can definitely trust it.
Eyes: Out of sight, out of mind; this is a popular saying which proves itself true. Of all, nature provides great relief from stress by enabling you to remove yourself – both physically and mentally – from the things that cause you to stress in the first place: office, family, relationships, etc. You need to remove the physical stimulus to start the recovery process.
Ears: The sounds of Nature are therapeutic music to our ears. We are so used to the mechanical sounds that it takes a long time for us to calm down when we encounter chirping birds, wind, dancing tree leaves, and so on. It appears that the older generation recognized what we have just started to comprehend that the healing energy of nature can offer revival and motivation and this is what the modern generation badly wants. If you couple of natural sounds with meditation and yoga, then you can effectively cure depression without medication.
Tongue: Taste is an influential sense in terms of curing. Whenever people dig their teeth into their favorite foods and fruits, they create "feel good" hormones, which dance merrily in their brains. Here, we are talking about naturally produced feel-good factors.
Nose: Smell is a powerful sense. It has the ability to appeal to our "feel good" hormones (dopamines). Wild grass, wildflowers, wet soil, and rainwater are a few things that have the power to heal your depressive mood. Even the smell of a beloved heals naturally.
Skin: This is not only the largest organ of the human body but also a form of non-verbal communication. The best things in life are felt. Rolling on grass, hugging your pet, cuddling your beloved, jumping into a pile of leaves, feeling raindrops on your skin; anything which is naturally present in your surroundings is an antidepressant.
A Note to the Reader
Nature reestablishes, restores, and renews. To profit completely from its recuperating powers you need to tune-in, associate, and enable yourself to be healed. To cure depression without medication, let nature be your doctor.
Author Bio:-
Vatsla Singh is a content curator and writer. She takes an active interest in the psychology of the human mind. Thus writing about spirituality and personal growth comes to her easily. She also tussled with borderline bi-polar disorder and consequently understood the importance of spirituality in life for better well-being. After thorough research and first-hand experience, she now truly understands the effect of yoga on mental health. Aside, you can catch her with her cats whilst she isn't typing away on her laptop.