Five reasons to get a health insurance for expats
Five reasons to get a health insurance for expats
Are you planning to move away from your country and settle down in a foreign state? Or are you already there? In both of these cases, you might be owning the right information regarding the healthcare system of your country of residence. Nonetheless, moving to some countries (or, more specifically, in many areas of them) could represent a question mark in terms of health coverage and – sometimes – efficiency of the local hospital facilities. In other situations, you may encounter a health system that requires a health insurance as mandatory: the most popular case is, of course, the one of the United States of America, but many of the richest countries of the world – the most recent case is Qatar – are going towards similar resolutions.
Fortunately, there’s a solution able to turn every question into an exclamation mark: taking out health insurance for expats, which means an insurance instrument specifically designed for those people who live abroad. There are many companies specialized in that field: for example, in the healthcare field Foyer Global Health provides an international insurance coverage which is considered among the safest and most complete worldwide, also because it operates nearly all over the globe. Relying on companies like this means having the most qualified health coverage in a foreign country, as well as the certainty that you can access the best local hospital and clinic facilities.
Going more into the specifics, there are several reasons why an expat should provide himself/herself (and his/her family, if he/she has one) this kind of insurance coverage. Obviously, many of the individual reasons may shift dramatically, depending on any individual’s needs. Despite that, there are a few generic reasons that should be considered by almost everyone. We have listed below the most important ones.
Having the chance to dodge the snares of bureaucracy. Going through a foreign state’s rules about health insurance could be extremely challenging, especially for those who are not familiar yet with the local language. Having a company who deals with these kinds of problems for us means avoiding lots of paperwork and some fatal misunderstanding.
Certainty about costs and fees. At the same time, a subscriber has the chance to avoid any surprise about the costs. A health insurance contract for expats is clearly explained in every single detail, especially for what concerns the financial side of it. And if the client has any question to pose, he/she is constantly assisted by a specific online customer service provided by the company itself.
The best treatments available for every need. As we said before, health insurance for expats allows the subscribers to get the top-notch treatments they need (in proportion to the local facilities available). So, they won’t have to roam around different facilities in order to fulfill their needs.
Customized contracts. In many countries, there are only standard health insurance contract models, with a generic coverage of the most common clinic issues. But what if someone needs a periodic, hyper-specialized treatment? Only a customized insurance made specifically for expat is able to cover them.
Coverage for the entire family. Clearly, sometimes (not to say often) moving to another country means dragging along a whole family unit, whose members may not have all the same needs in terms of healthcare. Especially if the family needs pediatric and/or geriatric care, health insurance for expats is no less than necessary.