How to Build a Disaster Emergency Kit to Keep You and Your Family Safe
In the world we live in, there are many disasters, both natural and political that could arise. This all depends on the geography of where you live and the security of your region, but no matter where you live, everyone should always be prepared for certain disasters. That preparation starts with building a disaster emergency kit full of useful supplies that will help you and your family in case of imminent danger. Read below to find out how to assemble your kit and educate your family about what to do.
Find A Durable Bag
Depending on the size of your family and the amount of supplies you want to have packed, you need to pick a bag that will be useful in more ways than one. One of the best types of bags to use for emergency situations is a backpack because it can be easily carried if your family needs to flee the area in a hurry. Another good choice is a duffel bag because it can easily be slung across your back. Many duffel bags also have multiple compartments, which will help to keep things organized in the chaos of an emergency situation.
Compile Emergency Items
Many items can be useful in a disaster emergency kit from flashlights to bandages. When you are thinking about the contents of your emergency kit, it is important to consider the factors of locations, possible natural disasters, and possible injuries. It is extremely important to have an emergency kit in the event of a disaster or other emergency and each item in that kit should have a purpose. They should also be portioned out correctly in order to cover the needs of each family member. From non-perishable food items to medical supplies, most emergency items can be found online.
Find a Safe Place To Store Your Kit
Once you have everything neatly packed into your bag of choice, it is time to find a safe yet accessible place to store it. This can be inside a closet, under a sink, or in a kitchen cabinet. No matter where you choose to store your disaster emergency kit, make sure that it can be reached by all members of the family so that it can be easily grabbed in a hurry.
Practice Emergency Drills As A Family
After you have assembled your disaster emergency kit, you should go over all of the items with each of your family members so that everyone knows how everything works. Allow time for everyone to familiarize themselves with all aspects of the kit and then talk as a family about how to prepare for any kind of disaster. Once everyone in the family knows how to use all of the emergency materials, you should schedule monthly, quarterly, or yearly practice drills where you can practice what you would do in a disaster emergency situation.
We all hope that we will never have to encounter a natural disaster or any other emergency in our own home, but it is always important to be prepared for one just in case. Keep these tips on hand when you begin to compile a disaster emergency kit and always stay vigilant.