6 Warning Signs of Diabetes: What if you are Prediabetic
Imagine: you wake up one fine day and find you have diabetes! You go back to sleep and wish it to be a dream. Suddenly, your partner jerks you to wake up. You thank God as you realize it was really a dream. But, certain dreams make us think hard. And if you are smart enough, you would start thinking of checking your diet and lifestyle to make sure the dream never comes true. Watch out for the signs of diabetes!
What are the early signs of diabetes?
1. You urinate excessively:
Mind you, this is not about frequency but an amount. People with enlarged prostate or overactive bladder may urinate frequently, but this does not necessarily mean they are diabetic. You need to watch out for the amount of urine.
According to doctors, it is normal to release up to 2 liters of urine daily. If you release more than this, there's something wrong.
What you must do:
Keep a tab on your urine habits. Check how much urine you release on each visit. If you release lots of urine each time you visit the loo, check your blood sugar.
2. You feel thirsty most of the time:
This can be tricky. Thirst increases during hot weather or when you eat dehydrating foods or salty foods. Alcohol and coffee consumption also increases thirst. It doesn't mean you have diabetes. But if you feel dehydrated, in spite of drinking enough water, you need to check with your doctor. It could be one of the signs of diabetes.
What you must do:
Listen to your body's thirst needs. Meanwhile, if you find your thirst has increased with no explanation and you are gulping a gallon of water (3.7 liters) per day, it is time to do a blood sugar check.
3. You are losing weight despite eating healthy
When glucose is high in blood the calories get drained off with urine. Also, you urinate more. The body compensates for this loss of calories and fluids by making you feel hungry and thirsty most of the time.
What you must do:
Keep a check on your hunger. In case you sense something abnormal in your hunger, see a doctor.
4. You feel tired most of the time
You catch your beauty sleep (7-8 hours) every night, you eat well, your job is not physically exhaustive, yet you feel tired.
Glucose is the chief source of energy, but if it is present in the blood excessively, the body cannot use it completely. It's like you have a good reserve of glucose with you but proves to be useless.
What you must do:
Consult a doctor. Check your blood sugar. If you feel nausea or dizziness or have to drag yourselves out of bed, literally, call a doctor immediately. It could one of the serious signs of diabetes.
5. Your wounds take longer to heal
White blood corpuscles or cells (WBC) are responsible for fighting infections in the body. They depend on glucose level in blood. When glucose level rises in blood WBC become less responsive to infections. So, wounds take longer than usual time to heal.
What you must do:
Check your skin regularly, especially your feet. Diabetes can damage the nerves. This thwarts sensations of irritations that usually accompany sores. If you feel your feet are too numb or the sores don't heal, consult your doctor. This could be one of the signs of diabetes.
6. You develop blurred vision
A rise in blood sugar levels can shrink or swell the natural lens of your eyes. This can lead to blur in vision or develop tiny spots. Doctors call them floaters. These are collagen bits and should not worry you unless they increase in numbers or size and become frequent incidences.
What you must do:
Consult an eye doctor to be on the safe side.
Pre-diabetes: Is this really diabetes?
When your doctor diagnoses you with pre-diabetes you need to wake up and smell the coffee. This does not mean you will become diabetic. This means Mother Nature has been merciful to you. You still have time and the chance to take a U-turn. Act and fix up signs of diabetes.
According to doctors, this is a golden opportunity to alter your lifestyle and food habits so that diabetes never knocks on your life door.
If you do nothing about your pre-diabetic condition, it can turn into full-fledged diabetes type 2 within 10 years.
Are you diabetic or pre-diabetic? Find out!
If you are overweight (with BMI - body mass index - of 25 and above), you must get tested for diabetes, no matter what your age.
If you are of a healthy weight, you must check your blood sugar every 3 years after attaining the age of 45. Doctors say that the risk of pre-diabetes rises with age.
1. FPG - Fasting Plasma Glucose Test: You need to be on an empty stomach for 8 hours. Doctors perform this test in the morning. The test involves a blood test.
You are pre-diabetic when your fasting blood sugar is between 100 and 125mg/dL.
If it is 126mg/dL and above, you are diabetic.
2. OGTT - Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: Again, you must be on an empty stomach for 8 hours. This is a test similar to FPG. After the test, the doctor will ask you to consume a sugary drink. After two hours, the doctor measures your blood sugar.
If it is between 140 and 199mg/dL, you are pre-diabetic.
If it is 200mg/dL and above, you are diabetic.
Fight back!
Fight the signs of diabetes in an intelligent manner. No, you need not banish your favorite food from the menu. Moderation is the key.
Whether the doctor diagnoses you with diabetes or with pre-diabetes, it does not mean you cannot enjoy a juicy mango or sink your teeth into the softness of ice cream. You can...but once in a while and in a limited amount.
Say, you can savor a big piece of mango twice a week, provided you maintain your blood sugar level. Or you can relish a scoop of your favorite butterscotch ice cream; condition - your blood sugar is regulated.
So, the key to living with diabetes happily is to keep your blood sugar under control. Do this and you can let your taste buds enjoy all the good things in life. You need not be afraid of signs of diabetes.
Heal your "diabetic aura"
Pranic healers believe that before a disease manifests in the physical body, it surfaces in the aura. This is the energy field of a living organism. It is possible to detect the "dirty" energy that surrounds the organ before it gets diseased.
So, before you get diabetes, your aura will show it. A certified pranic healer can catch the bad energy around your pancreas, to be precise, at the solar plexus chakra. This is also a sign of diabetes. Thinking, "Is there a pranic healer near me?"
Pranic healing therapy is found to be effective in cleansing the dirty energy and gushing in positive energy. Specific steps that target the solar plexus chakras help to strengthen the pancreas. The chakra is related to the health of the pancreas.
After years of living a life woven with materialistic things, rush hours, stress, and bad eating, it is time to try holistic living. Feel your energy. Nature has bestowed you with body healing powers. The trick is to trigger this power.
The body's immunity system is one of the best examples of how Nature has equipped us with a "weapon" to fight against diseases. Alas, unhealthy lifestyle wreaks havoc with this weapon and renders it weak.
Energy blockage is one of the major reasons for weak immunity. Therapies like pranic healing help to open up energy channels and eliminate stale energy accumulated from the pancreas. A pranic healer can help your vital organs get a new lease of life. This can help in effective pre-diabetes management.
The good old yoga
Everybody knows about yoga and how beneficial it is to the mind and the body.
Yet, we don’t do it!
Look at the early signs of diabetes as opportunities in disguise. They are telling you to improve your lifestyle. Your body is now asking you to adopt the finest things present on the planet. Yoga is one of them.
This wonderful traditional Indian way of living has proved to help people manage various chronic diseases effectively. This includes diabetes, obesity, respiratory disorders, cardio disorders, stress, and others.
Studies show that yoga can control symptoms and complications linked to diabetes type 2, wherein the body is unable to process insulin properly.
By doing yoga regularly, your mind feels better. Your body feels better. When this happens your vital organs function better too. A sense of well-being envelopes you from head to toe. This helps you to take your pre-diabetic or even diabetic condition in a positive stride.
Please learn yoga only from the best yoga instructor. Also, you must consult your doctor before you begin any kind of workout and yoga poses.
How can pre-diabetics reverse their condition?
Once you catch the signs of diabetes and get your blood sugar checked, it is possible that your doctor may reveal your pre-diabetic status. Having diabetes does not mean you walk around with a sullen face.
Remember...you are still NOT diabetic.
It's just that your body has begun to respond lesser to insulin. But, it is still processing insulin. In diabetes, the body stops responding to insulin. You can reverse the pre-diabetic condition.
So, it is time to jump with joy, literally, because the more you jump the more your body gets a workout. This helps to manage diabetes better!
1. Move and move
Our bodies are designed for movement.
Do you know doctors call diabetes a lifestyle disease? It happens because of a poor lifestyle. If you lead an active lifestyle, you can actually prevent this disease.
For those who are not diabetic yet, leading a sedentary lifestyle and not wanting to move your body is a direct invitation to the signs of diabetes.
A few simple changes in your daily routine can help:
- If you are overweight, take immediate steps to lose weight. Plan a fitness routine with a trainer. Learn yoga to lose weight in 10 days.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Park your car a little away from the destination. Walk.
- No matter how busy you are, squeeze some time to walk. Doctors recommend taking brisk walks of 30-45 minutes daily or at least 5 days a week.
- Do household chores. They help you work out a lot of muscles of your body.
- Do some stretching. It improves blood circulation.
- Take a sport. Run errands. Dance to your favorite tune. There is so much to do to fight signs of diabetes. Just move.
- Meditate. It brings down stress, which, in turn, de-stresses your vital organs. Busy? No excuse. Do you know this National Meditation Day 2018 focused on busy schedules?
2. Relish on healthy recipes
Having pre-diabetes does not mean you cannot eat your favorite food. You can eat but in moderation.
Change the way you cook.
Go fresh and natural in your diet.
Do this:
- Eat more veggies - leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, green beans, and other less-starchy ones are your friends now. Three servings per day is the best.
- Eat fruits in moderation. It depends on how your blood sugar is faring. One to two servings per day sounds best.
- Eat foods rich in fiber.
- Say goodbye to white rice and refined flour (maida). Eat brown rice and whole grains.
- No white bread, please!
- Go skim in milk.
- Yes, you can have cheese, but low-fat version. Also, eat yogurt and peanut butter, but in moderation.
Take small meals throughout the day to fight signs of diabetes. Do not leave a huge gap between meals. This can make your blood sugar go haywire. Eat something (healthy) every 2-3 hours to keep your blood glucose levels stable. This also keeps you energized and happy. Eat a balanced diet.
Never starve yourselves.
3. Sleep well
People proudly say, "I work 20 hours a day!" Little do they know they are wrecking their bodies.
Most of us take sleep for granted. In today's hectic and ambition-oriented lifestyle, it is regarded as a fad to sleep just 4-5 hours.
Do you know a consistent lack of sleep lowers your body's capability to use insulin properly? Sound sleep is essential for a healthy body.
Do you know the body repairs itself at night?
The 8-hour beauty sleep is not named just on a whim. It actually makes you beautiful and healthy because your body cells are rejuvenated. So, they are energized and function well.
Find it difficult to sleep?
Take a healing session. It helps to cleanse your energies and de-stress you. The healer helps you recognize your healing powers and teaches you to connect with the Divine forces for maximum health and happiness. Also, know about soothing sounds to fall asleep. With sound sleep, you can catch the signs of diabetes and take action on time.
This amazingly helps to reduce the diseased condition of your body.
All is not lost. Being diagnosed with pre-diabetes is not the end of the world. This does not mean you will become diabetic. You can still enjoy life...and the more you do so, the farther you go away from the disease.
Becoming more physically active and mentally relaxed are two of the most effective things that decrease the chance of having diabetes. Fight the signs of diabetes like a hero.
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is a senior content writer at lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.