Talking to animals
Sonali Thite from Pune has a unique ability – talking to animals. With this she has helped many pet parents understand them completely.
She says, “each animal communication inspires me. Each interaction has so much to learn, the perspectives of animals are simple and yet very profound. They guide us in every step of the way.” She adds that her mentor Manjiri Latey, from whom she learnt this skill, is also her inspiration and guide till today.
She adds that her pets and their patience, their guidance got her where she is today and adds that she owes her life to her pets.
For her, it was a calling, a purpose that drove her here. She learnt this with an intention to communicate with her pet bunny Ruby who had passed away. Her friends started referring me to many pet parents and eventually it became evident that the animals were pulling her on this path, and she is grateful they did.
Her intention has always been to be the voice of the animal and hence, those who aligned with it would approach her.
The moments when the pet parents can understand their pets, when they come back after the consult to tell her how things have changed and that the bond with their pet has strenghtened even further are very special to her
She further states, “we are so conditioned to look at animals especially pets, in a way that requires us to be in command or control the pets' actions, take decisions on their behalf that many pet parents find this surprising when they get to hear their perspectives. There are pet parents who approach me with a pet who according to them may have behaviour issues such as aggression and expect me to communicate how they expect the animal to behave with them or with visitors or even in public. This is where as an animal communicator, I have to first explain them that the behaviour issue could be multi-fold in a way that their pet maybe mirroring a family member & so the correction of the pet's behaviour really depends on how they behave themselves and so a little bit of self-correction can lead to the expected changes as well. The majority of pet parents are ready to work with their pets and on themselves too :) Simple communication and remaining neutral during a conversation helps pass on the messages of the pets and their humans to each other. The non-judgemental and non-assumptive communication itself heals, I'm only a channel. “
Her hope is that more and more people become aware of their innate ability and communicate with animals and nature, which itself will heal many humans, nature and the world altogether!
Knowing her intent and passion, I am sure she shall continue to play the role of reaching out to animals and healing the world.
By Jamuna Rangachari