Get out of a frenzied life and lead a balanced life
We find time for various activities but rarely for our own selves. This often makes us restless, depressed, stressed and in extreme cases, even suicidal. Let us redefine our life for a better life.
When I was in the field of software, I was always restless. When at home, I would be thinking about software deadlines and at work wondering what my children must be doing at home. Especially when my children had their exams, I was often more stressed than them. This in turn made them too stressed.
Though an ardent believer in the higher power, I only did a quick prayer at home but never did chanting like I used to do before. In fact, the prayer too became a mechanical one that went into my to-do list. It was at this point that I felt I should take a break. In my case, fortunately Life Positive entered my life with me learning all the spiritual lessons I needed to learn.
My neighbour who was a banker had a similar problem and just could not cope. She was a parent and a busy executive. I was a close friend whom she often confided in. Her worry and anxiousness were visible to all and I felt I should speak to her to slow her down. We fortunately found how we could move forward. She told me she did not have time to even pray. Being an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, she told me with despondence that she could never find time to go to Shirdi though we were then in Mumbai. I requested her to make time for herself and we both went to Shirdi after a while. “Those two days made me extremely refreshed,” she would often tell everyone in our circle and we then often went to Shirdi together in a group. More than me, it was her resolution to make time for herself that made her happier and her life more balanced
Why are we in a frenzy always
In the era in which we live today, almost everyone is perpetually in a hurry. We often take on too many responsibilities and wish to get involved in too many things. This is certainly not healthy for our wellbeing. Even the World Health Organisation has noted that we need to give more importance to our mental health. In this scenario, it would be good if we slowed down, paused and thought about giving ourselves and our lives more time to take care of ourselves. Taking breaks is important for all and we need to do this to stay happy and balanced. Doing this, our stress shall also reduce thus making us more productive. In fact, even major companies suggest that people take breaks and organise events to make employees happier and hence, more productive. They have realised the negative effects of a frenzied life so it is necessary that we realise it too.
Anything is possible only when we plan a life in such a manner that we have time for everything including our own selves. We can have a group of friends who have the same interests as we do, have a spiritual group that follows the same system that resonates with us and also fit in our work and home responsibilities in it. This has been done by many who have reached the top. Whether or not we reach the top, we could certainly remain happy and content as this our duty to ourselves.
By Jamuna Rangachari