Cocaine Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Recovery
Cocaine Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Recovery
One of the most common and severe worldwide public health problems, cocaine addiction has a high rate of mortality and morbidity. Highly addictive, cocaine is an illicit drug that severely affects a person’s physical and mental health. A recent study also estimated that around 5.5 per cent of the global population are users of illicit drugs, and the UK has the highest rates of drug-induced deaths in Europe. Also, cocaine is the most commonly used drug among adults after cannabis.
Though cocaine addiction has life-threatening effects, many people don’t see their cocaine intake as a problem and remain in denial. While in reality, cocaine is used for more than a recreational purpose and turns into addiction fast. The easy availability of cocaine might be the prime reason. In addition, there are no proven medications that can treat people with cocaine addiction. However, cocaine rehab centres and other behavioural therapies can help treat addiction problems.
This article will enlighten you more about cocaine signs and symptoms, treatment, and recovery.
Extracted from the Coca plant leaves, a plant native to South America, Cocaine is an addictive and illicit drug known by the names of crack, snow, coke, flake, and blow. Cocaine addiction is life-threatening because it affects normal brain function and increases the feelings of euphoria and alertness in the body. Though not most people realise it initially, they will start experiencing an uncontrollable urge for cocaine.
Also, there are many ways in which people consume cocaine. They either inhale, inject, smoke, or insert it via rectal routes. All these methods are dangerous and can cause addiction.
Cocaine Effects
Cocaine intake may have stimulating effects on the body. For example, regular or frequent use of cocaine affects the dopamine levels in the brain and thus affects the user’s physical and mental health. Also, the more significant amounts of cocaine reduce the desire to sleep and eat.
Psychological effects of cocaine:
Irritable behaviour
Anxiety issues
Repetitive abnormal behaviours
Impaired judgement
Physical effects of cocaine:
Heart attack
Increased heart rate
Chest pain
Abdominal pain
Unhealthy weight loss
Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction
Some of the signs of cocaine addiction include:
Drug intolerance
Episodes of hallucinations
Inability to stop or reduce drug use
Withdrawal symptoms
Distorted relationships and negative impact on employment
Loss of money
The increase in these symptoms raises the risk of overdose. According to the National Institute on Drug Use report, there were 14,666 cocaine-involved deaths in 2018 alone.
Cocaine Addiction Treatment and Recovery
Cocaine drug abuse is a disease that affects a person's physical, social, and mental well-being. Therefore, the treatment of cocaine addiction seems complicated. However, it is not true. While there are no approved medications for cocaine addiction treatment, professional help from therapists and psychologists can help. A therapist, psychologist, counsellor, or mental health worker assesses your situation and comes up with a treatment plan that suits your needs. A few treatment options that might be effective include:
Outpatient Treatment Program
Outpatient therapy is a customised form of treatment that helps individuals address their problems and overcome addiction. In the outpatient treatment program, individuals travel daily to the treatment facility to participate in the therapy sessions. This program is perfect for those who don’t want to leave their responsibilities or have commitments at home and work. Individual and group therapy are an integral part of outpatient settings. But, the mode of treatment depends on the individual’s needs. While some patients may see recovery in just one or two hours a week, outpatient treatment can last for months for others.
Residential Treatment Program
While outpatient treatment is a great way to start recovery from cocaine addiction, some patients find residential treatment programs beneficial. Residential treatment programs involve a range of therapies, including vocational, psychological, and medications. It lasts several weeks to a year, depending on how an individual is recovering. Patients in the residential program live at the facility and get access to their peers and counsellors at their fingertips. It also helps them to stay away from cocaine use and potentially-triggering situations, get them out of unhealthy habits, and keep them sober. Also, the residential treatment is perfect for those who suffer from substance use disorders, mental health conditions, and other health disorders.
Treatment Therapies
Cognitive-behavioural Therapy (CBT)
In cognitive-behavioural therapy, individuals learn to put aside their negative thoughts and generate positive ones. In the first phase, CBT ensures drug users identify the triggering situations, ideas, and feelings that push them towards substance abuse. Ultimately, they learn new coping strategies or constructive ways to curb their cravings.
Contingency Management
Contingency management is a rewarding approach that helps individuals develop skills to find triggers and reward them for meeting goals. Contingency management is a feasible and promising treatment option for patients struggling to stop drug use.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
There are no medically approved medications that may treat cocaine addiction. Still, doctors may prescribe antidepressants and stimulants in severe cases to control the cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and urge to attain pleasurable feelings. Also, if effective medication is developed in the future, it'll be an essential treatment option.
Alternative Therapies
Apart from the medications and drug addiction treatment program, a few alternative therapies may help. For example, people with cocaine addiction may try exercise, acupuncture, herbs, or hypnosis to recover from addiction. However, no evidence or research studies prove these alternative therapies' effectiveness on cocaine addiction.
Withdrawal Symptoms
When a person stops drug use after an extended period, they may experience intense discomfort, resulting in withdrawal symptoms. Certain side effects of stopping drug use include:
Hostile nature
Experiencing these withdrawal symptoms develops drug cravings again. In the case of withdrawal, patients must stay committed to their recovery program and need the support of their family and friends. Treatment facilities and support groups also play a significant role in helping people get over this initial crash.
Get Over Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine addiction is a severe mental illness that disrupts the brain's normal functioning and requires intense and extensive treatment. While many treatment options are available for cocaine addiction treatment, a cocaine rehab can help you achieve long-term recovery. However, the signs of cocaine addiction determine the kind of treatment an individual needs; you must explore all the options. The proper treatment helps people eliminate unhealthy habits and restore their sanity. Reach your nearest cocaine rehab today to learn more about the treatment programs.