Creating a blissful world with our creative strength
We are born to create a new world by connecting with our inner strength. This is visible in all people we consider inspirational, from the young to the elderly.
A ninety year old grand aunt of mine is very fond of painting and making cards. Despite everyone around her asking her to relax, she maintains this is the only activity that makes her feel alive. She has faced many difficulties but always asked people to just give her some space, colours and paper to make her cope with whatever challenges life gave her. This made her a person people love and admire. We all look forward to her new paintings that she comes up with during our birthdays and on festivals.
This is similar to my late mother-in-law who kept learning new songs till she passed away and even many of us without ever hesitating to do so. To all our relatives, she was the epitome of melody. This was her dream always and she did do it, whether she was famous in outer circles or not. In any case, she was very spiritual so never longed for any kind of fame.
We all are creative in some way and do wish to express it to spread joy and happiness in the world. We even know of people with disabilities who keep doing what they can despite their challenges. This does indeed make them feel complete.
The greatest gift I have received is from a boy in the spastic society that I used to volunteer for. He made a little bag to the best of his ability and bashfuly asked, will you use it, maam? The next time I went there using it, he was so happy that I requested the management to introduce this activity in their institute and they did so, creating many more such smiles and happiness.
The fact that creativity is indeed divine was always recognised by all in all parts of the world. This is why in India, all temples of yore had areas where people used to make rangolis, paintings and garlands to honour the divine and kindle their creativity. This was honoured and respected. This is why everyone recommends an art area not just in educational institutes but also in community areas to help people come together and develop bonds.
Even the World Health Organisation uses arts and creativity to help people recover from trauma and recuperate. It has been seen and proven that this is very effective. Even in the area of emotional and mental health, this is used a great deal.
All of humanity does indeed love works of art so I do feel oneness shall indeed happen when we all recognise and respect each other’s works of art. There could be some competition but this is usually healthy. The creator did wish that all of us become creators ourselves of some kind. This is why we all are blessed with unique talents of some kind.
By Jamuna Rangachari