A karmayogi spreading education
There are some who help others by being true karmayogis. We introduce you to one such person, Mr Ananth Kumar from mysore who shares his story with us.
My sources of inspiration are my mother who was a very good Government Middle School teacher,(ii)Sri Aurobindo's philosophy and his views on compassion, patriotism and spirituality,. especially his letters written to his wife Mrinalini about his 3 types of madnesses. I was working as an Engineer in one of the industries located in Puducherry. I was a regular visitor to Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Even now at least once a year I will make it a point to visit Sri Aurobindo Ashram.(iii) Swami Vivekananda : I have worked as a full time volunteer of 'Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari' for about one and half a year.
God supported me the most through:
(i) My ex-employer Late Lalit Shah supported me initially. He offered funds to buy land and to construct initial buildings for Kaliyuva Mane - a free residential co-educational alternative school for opportunity-deprived children.
(ii) Engineering and medical college students worked as volunteers who raised funds for operating the school. They even collected old newspapers and sold them. The proceedings were offered to Kaliyuva Mane.
(iii) Other individuals, corporate organisations and service organisations
(iv) Media -
(a) NCERT produced a 40 minutes documentary film on Kaliyuva Mane
(b) 'The Better India' produced a video and spread words about our unique school.
(c) I was invited to deliver a TEDx talk about our school in Delhi.
(d) Many important newspapers and magazines published positive articles on our school
(i) As this is an alternative school which works on the philosophy, 'School for children' rather than 'Children for School', the school lacks recognition from the department of education, Often they send notices to shut down our alternative school and send the children to formal schools. From 2005 to 2023, we received many notices threatening the closure of the school. Now we got accreditation from National Institute of Open Schooling, New Delhi as an Open Basic Education center.
(ii) Educating school dropouts, child labourers, dyslexic children was a big challenge, as they were not suitable for formal schools. A few had serious behavioural issues..A new education system has evolved here.
(iii) Karnataka Housing Board acquired 40% of our land (1 acre and 6 guntas). Mr. Mahesh Devaiah, a renowned advocate, fought our case in the High Court of Karnataka without expecting any fees. We won the case.
In 1992 - I started staying in a village Srirampura on the outskirts of Mysore for about 12 years, conducting supporting classes for the rural underprivileged children. This grassroots level experience helped me to visualise my dream school.
On 12-01 -1999 : received the first public contribution, Registered Divya Deepa Trust
On 09-09-1996, I married Padma, a polio victim. She is also a part of my journey.
In 2003 - I purchased a land of 2 acres and 33 guntas in a village.
In 2004 - My family moved to a sheet-roofed house in the new land.
In 2005 - We started our dream school 'Kaliyuva Mane' in a small hut with 4 resident children and 10 day children.
In 2010 - Basic infrastructure including our home was designed and built by Sri L.M. Shah
In 2020 - Our school became a fully fledged residential school for 100 children.
In 2025 - There is a demand for more Kaliyuva Manes. A donor has come forward to support one more Kaliyuva Mane.
Very good childhood and education to all is what I envisage0
I would like to share the famous saying of Swami Vivekananda : "If a problem haunts you and makes you restless, then feel, feel and feel till your heart bleeds, think, think and think till your brain reels. Find out a solution. Don't wait for money and men. Put your hands to the wheels of work. Money will come, Men will come and God's Grace will come"
He is very happy with the path he has chosen. We too are extremely happy to see such karmayogis in action.
By Jamuna Rangachari