4 Powerful Yoga Asanas to Lose Weight in 10 Days Flat
Almost all of us today are aware of the power of yoga. Inclination towards yoga is increasing among the modern generation. People want to make it a way of life. Yoga is fast catching up with fitness freaks. Almost all high fitness achievers swear by the results of Yoga. If you are struggling to achieve healthy body weight, just do yoga to lose weight in 10 days.
This is no gimmick. Yoga can help you lose weight quickly. in addition, yoga helps in increasing flexibility and endurance. It boosts mental focus. It helps relieve stress and anxiety. Everyday yoga leads to an overall enhanced sense of well-being. Many yoga poses or asanas help strengthen muscles, which, in turn, helps burn fat. Various types of yoga such as Power yoga, Ashtanga yoga, and Vinyasa yoga contribute to fat burning.
Here are 4 yoga asanas/poses to lose weight in 10 days. These are tried-and-tested poses that help burn fat quick and fast. With International Yoga Day 2018 round the corner, it is time to make yoga a way of living.
Yoga to lose weight in 10 days
1. Sun Salutation:
My yoga instructor never fails to emphasize the importance of Surya Namaskar or sun salutation in yoga. She says that I would never get fat and put on weight if I do even 10 sun salutations every day. It is even more important to practice sun salutation before doing other vigorous yoga poses as sun salutation acts as a warm-up exercise for the entire body. Sun salutation opens up all the muscles and prepares you for all other yoga poses. Start with a few salutations first, 2-3 in number and, gradually, increase the number of repetitions every day. So, if you wish to do yoga to lose weight in 10 days, do Surya Namaskar.
2. Warrior Pose:
The warrior pose is one of the most effective yoga poses to help you lose weight. This yoga asana works your legs, hips, shoulders, arms, butt, chest, abs, and back. To do this pose, step your right foot forward between your hands to be in a runner’s lunge pose. Draw the right hip backward and left hip forward and turn the left heel slightly outward. Then lift up yourself into a lunge by engaging your abs, while lifting up your arms with palms facing each other or touching each other. Hold till five breaths and then return slowly to a downward position. Do at least 5 repetitions of this pose.
3. Superman pose:
The superman pose is a simple yet highly effective pose that engages your entire body and almost all your muscles. To do this yoga asana, simply lie face down with your legs together and with your forehead resting on the mat. Extend your arms fully out in front of you with your palms down. Then squeeze your butts and abs and lift your arms and legs directly up and hold up your lower and upper body off the ground. The weight of your entire body should be in your core area. Continue inhaling and exhaling deeply and hold on to the pose for at least 5 breaths. Do at least 5 repetitions of this pose.
4. Bow pose:
Like the superman pose, the bow pose in yoga also engages all your muscles of arms, legs, shoulders, back, hips, and abs. To do this yoga asana, lie face down with your forehead resting on the mat. Keep your arms on the floor by your sides. Keep the palms facing up. Then bend your knees while exhaling and bring your heels as close to your butts as you can. Then take hold of your ankles by reaching back. Keep your knees hip-width apart. Then lift your thighs and chest off the floor while inhaling and pushing your heels away from your butt. Keep your lower back easy and relaxed while moving your shoulder blades down and up. Continue inhaling and exhaling deeply and hold on to the pose for at least 5 breaths. Do at least 5 repetitions of this pose.
In addition to the above yoga asanas, there are many more asanas of yoga to lose weight in 10 days. These poses help in burning fat and, thus, in losing weight. In fact, all yoga poses to aid in weight loss reduction. To make the most of yoga for weight loss in 10 days, please follow the below-mentioned techniques.
How to make yoga work faster
- Increase the duration of your practice every day:
Star with doing yoga for say 20 minutes the first day. Take this up to 30 minutes in the next two days and, gradually, to 60 minutes by the 10th day. This gradual increase in yoga duration will keep you motivated and consistent and will help you lose weight effectively.
- Increase the intensity and the time of each pose:
Yoga works best when done properly and intensively. It is not the number of yoga poses that you practice but how well you do each pose. To make the most of yoga poses, increase the intensity and the duration of each yoga pose gradually.
So, if you want to lose some weight quickly in one of the healthiest ways, practice yoga to lose weight in 10 days. You will not only lose weight but also feel fitter and more energetic. Coupled with the correct diet and other forms of exercise, yoga is truly transformative. The regular practice of yoga enhances the quality of life. Time to ask: "Are there yoga instructors near me?"
Author Bio:
Shilpi Goel is a content curator, writer, and an avid reader. She is a Reiki master healer and an aspiring life coach. Having experienced tremendous personal and professional growth Shilpi feels passionate about sharing her learning with others. Being a firm believer in the fact that we all have the power to shape our destiny and life, Shilpi seeks to share her insights on spirituality, personal growth, holistic well-being, and life in general!