Loving life and ourselves to keep stress away
Love, love and more love is the only solution for all kinds of problems. This does indicate to us that we are born to love not only others but ourselves too. Loving ourselves does not mean becoming selfish and ignoring others. It is becoming unconditionally loving to ourselves and all others around us and by extension, the entire world. This is indeed possible if we work towards it.
Many years back, my late mother in law told me when I was in the last stages of my first pregnancy, “Jamuna, I have had nine children and the only antidote for me was chanting God’s name knowing he will definitely take care of me. This made all my deliveries extremely smooth. Though there was pain as the new life had to come out, all the doctors told me that I was one of the most cooperative patients of theirs.”
This then made me do the same and though there were some medical challenges, I did not become yet another challenge. I too was told I was really cooperative. The fact is unless we cooperate in the journey of our lives, the journey is bound to be more complicated. I knew any delivery is bound to be tough so all I could do was to make it easier for me and those around me.
This is actually the mantra of life. The more we think of all that can go wrong, the more the energy of that thought increases and the more it is likely to take place.
Energy of thoughts
We all are who we are due to our thoughts. Thoughts become habits and habits become actions. This could be called the creation of our current life. I have seen many people become stressed about something they have absolutely no control over. This cannot serve any purpose except making us unhealthy by infusing negative energy into ourselves.
Even the World Health organization says stress affects both the body and mind. Many healers including the late Louise Hayes say so. What then should we do? We need to keep this in mind and find an appropriate solution.
Keeping in mind the situation as we find it present now, it makes sense to also reprogram ourselves as required in the current situation.Acceptance of the current situation and working on ourselves keeping this in mind is the only solution. To become holistically healthy, we need to have a consistent routine where we eat healthy, sleep as required, and listen to our body, mind and spirit.
I remember a friend of mine who had to resign from work as a teacher due to motherhood. Instead of fretting and fuming however, she enjoyed her motherhood and became a well known home tutor. This made her a role model for many in our colony, Another friend needed to resign to look after her ailing parents-in-law. She spent some time understanding all their requirements and then ensured she worked on all of these. In the process, she became a model daughter in law who earned lots of respect, not to mention good karma in the process.
Life happens. It is how we deal with it that truly matters. The decision is always ours. We could fret and fume and add loads of stress or live joyously adding fun, frolic and laughter in our lives as well as those around us becoming beacons of hope, joy and positive energy. This is how we could make our creator proud of his creation,
By Jamuna Rangachari