Solution for stubble burning
Stubble burning is a serious issue. However, very few are actually taking it seriously.. Fortunately, some are not following the path of victimhood but are actually doing something about the situation.
The rising debt on the state and pollution in the country had a serious impact on Parminder Singh and with the help of family and friends and also the incubation center of Punjab agriculture university who is going to support him with 25 lacs, he began doing this for the state. He is very sincere and has set an example for everyone all over the state by showing everyone can do something if they take it seriously. This shall certainly take place slowly but steadily with his sincere efforts.
He makes drop-down ceiling tiles from stubble waste.He is now ready to bring his solution to the common man, turning a problem into an opportunity for sustainability and economic growth. This is therefore a win-win situation for all as it promotes not just sustainable living but all income growth and therefore is also encouraged by even the government as it stops unemployment and lack of opportunity in the state. This is therefore a role model not just for Punjab but for all states.
This has just begun but is already making waves as of now in Punjab and we are certain it shall grow further for it has a key element that is required for success which is passion. Parminder certainly has loads of this as he is truly passionate about mother nature and earth and is certain we all can make a difference.
His dream is to do as much for mother earth as he can and he is certainly working on this. This is something that is already showing results, as we can see.
By Jamuna Rangachari