Time to meet Life

Contributed by :Mr. Nitish Suraj Paliwal
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Life is a “transformational journey” – live it with passion, experience it with love and connect it with God and the Universe.
Before I was struck with “self-realization” in early 2017, I was governed by my own beliefs, values and fears. I had created my map and defined its territory. Anything which happens beyond it was something irrelevant to me. I had limited my growth and learnings myself. I was fearful of unknowns, dealing with changes and taking risks. Today, I can say with confidence that these are not problems anymore – only opportunities to grow in life.
Since I have learnt to activate my resources – it has not only brought in positive changes in my life but also have started impacting lives of individuals around me, in a much positive way. There are individuals around me who are now more confident to deal with difficult situations and difficult people, matured emotionally and are leading a transformative life.
“Travel when you are young and able. Don’t worry about the money. Just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.”
I gave myself opportunities to travel, thereby, exploring different cultures, interacting with individuals, and reflecting on three things - “stepping out of my comfort zone”, “building connects with new people and learn from them” and “overcome the fear of unknowns”. In the corporate world, we term a couple of these as “Taking Risks”.
During my solo travelling to Cape Town, London and Edinburgh, my connect with “inner-conscious” helped re-emphasize my belief, which I had since my teenage days – Life is all about “attitude”. I have met lots of people during my solo travel and otherwise – one of the key learnings for me has been “not being judgemental” – for people as well as situations – as being judgemental hinders our learnings.
During my “self-reflection” moments, I was very easily able to connect with myself and look at my strengths and opportunities – which reinforced the true “purpose” of my existence. “Environment” around us plays a very important role in defining our “mental” and “emotional” state. Personally, I have found “open” environment to be very powerful – space to communicate, express and think openly and access sub-conscious state with ease.
I have now learnt to take “Pause in my life”, “focus on things which are important and impactful to self and others” and access the “Sub-conscious state”. I am on the journey to live the “purpose of my life” which I truly feel passionate about.
Panch Stupas of “Life” are – “Self”, “Relationships”, “Health” “Spirituality” and “Financials”.
“Self” – You are God’s unique creation. You are flawless. You are awesome. Don’t worry about how others judge you, treat you and make you feel, as you are born for a purpose. Stay focused, stay positive and stay happy. And most importantly, “Love yourself”.
“Relationships” – Commitment is the key to any relationship. Commitment leads to trust, happiness and a blissful life. Invest in your relationship. Do not let it go. Instead, hold on to it. Nurture it, love it and enjoy it. Express your feelings and emotions.
“Health” – Focusing on fitness will lead to a lifestyle – which will be full of “positivity”, “energy”, “motivation to fight against odds” and most importantly, “self-realization”, as you start knowing yourself more than before.
“Spirituality” – It’s your connection with the god and the universe. How do you feel this connection? When you start feeling the “present” – neither thinking about the “past” nor planning for the “future”, when you are mindful of the “self-talk” – a conversation with the universe, and when you send out positive thoughts, activate the world around yourself positively and start drawing back to yourself positive results.
“Financials” – All of us feel that this is the most important thing – I’m sure that it is not. It is an enabler for our luxuries and comforts – but we tend to put “Self”, “Relationships”, “Health” and “Spirituality” at stake. When you start focusing on the other four aspects, finances will be taken care of by the god and the universe. What you start giving to the universe, you start getting back.
Love yourself. Love everyone around you. Feeling love is like connecting with your soul. Love is God. Spread love and stay blessed.
It’s now time that you experience the same what others have experienced and that has transformed their lives in a positive way. It’s now time to take that leap forward and walk the journey you have always wanted to, and there is no stopping now. You are on a journey to bring transformation in other people’s lives and help make this world a better place, and the journey begins “NOW” and with “YOU”.