Natural Lighting vs Electric Lighting: What Natural Light Can Do for You
Having natural lighting in your home has been a favorable thing for generations. Back in the day, before electronic lighting was invented, natural lighting was the only thing keeping your home from being filled with lit candles every second of the day. So while we do use electronic lighting to our advantage these days, it is always important to remember that natural lighting is very good for you and there are so many ways you can bring it into your home easily.
Opening your curtain
A simple way that you can let light into your home is just by opening up your curtains. Let whatever light come in through the blinds and you will already notice such a large difference in how your mood and home are affected by this.
Lifting your blinds
If that small taste for natural light isn't enough for you, try lifting up your blinds and letting even more light in. Most people will avoid doing this as they don't want their neighbors to be in their business, but it's okay to have your blinds up throughout the day when the sun can easily shine in.
Having a door with side windows
If you aren't a fan of letting your neighbors peak into your day-to-day life, you can always get natural light all day by installing a front door with sidelights. This means that you will have your normal front door that is completely blocked off from the rest of the world. But on the side, you will have windows that light can shine through when it hits the door at the right angle. It is enough to light to bring life and happiness into your home, but it is small enough that no neighbors can get a look at what you are doing.
Closing your blinds in a way that still lets some light into your home
If you turn your blinds just a small bit, you can let light into your home without really changing up much of the scenery. You still won't be able to see outside, and the outside can't see in. But you will have a source of natural light shining through to brighten up your living room a little more. This is a great compromise when you don't want to open your curtains or lift your blinds fully in your bedroom.
Opening your door on a cool day with the help of a bug protection net
If you get a bug net to keep the critters from crawling into your home on a summer day, you can leave your door open to let the light in. This will still give everyone a look at what you have inside of your home, but you will get the most light this way.
Now that we have talked about how to let the light in, why is it good to have natural lighting?
Natural lighting has such a huge impact on us and our daily lives. Not only is it giving you extra vitamins from the sun, but you are getting to feel the warmth from the light so much more than you would with anything that is electrical. Something in our bodies craves the feeling of the sun beating on our skin. So when we have natural lighting in our lives, we naturally feel happier.
What kind of effect does it have on your mood?
It can instantly lift your mood up when you first see the light and your happiness will only continue to grow as you let the light set in. When people are having a bad day, they go on a walk. Most people think this is because it lets out a lot of frustration, others know it is because the sun on your skin feels like nothing else and it will naturally make you feel calm. It centers your body and soul and it helps you feel in touch with the planet.
Even if you aren't interested in things like healing the body and mind naturally, you can't deny the positive impact the sun has.