5 Work Life Balance Tips for Everyone to be Happy and Stress Free
The truth is, we all know what we want in life. But we are way too busy juggling and multitasking our roles and responsibilities in society. We seldom live life. We are constantly ‘doing things’ that ‘need to be done’. We all have searched for work life balance tips to manage our days and even our life in a better manner. All of these work life balance tips can be effectively inculcated provided we are ready to make some serious and long-lasting changes to our day to day schedule.
Following the below few work life balance tips will lead you towards adopting a healthier and productive lifestyle:
Learn to take care of yourself first, before you can take care of others. Self-care is not selfish but is extremely important for you to be able to fulfill all your other obligations efficiently. Be regular with all your health check-ups and/or doctor’s appointment. Inculcate a disciplined routine. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Sleep on time. Exercise regularly. Dedicate just a few minutes of the day to be with yourself. Reflect. Ponder. Introspect.
Prioritize your tasks. Make practical choices. Ask yourself if a task can wait until tomorrow. If it can, postpone it. If it can’t, do it right away. Here’s an interesting fact - You can be physically present only in one place at a time. Unlike what we mentally do in our heads. Hence, even attempting to get several things done at the same time is undeniably a recipe for disaster. Make a list of your priorities. Stick to it. Get everything done. But not at the same time!
Be flexible in sharing your responsibilities, be it at home or at work. Ask for assistance or help where required. If you overburden yourself with too many responsibilities, it will affect your health and well-being. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; on the contrary, it is a sign of strength. If reflects your responsibility of understanding your limitations and accepting them. A quality not everyone may be able to effectively utilize because of our overpowering ego. Sharing responsibilities will ensure that not only the work gets done on time but it will also ensure that it gets done well. Share. Delegate. Assist.
Learn to say 'No'. It is not what you say but how you say it which makes all the difference. The suggestion here is not to arrogantly say 'No' to something which can be easily managed by you. Adopting a friendly attitude and a pleasing personality are very important. At the same time, it is important to be firm and strong in your values and principles and not be a gullible person. Take back your power. Even when you say 'No' to something, make sure it is reasonable and as a matter of fact. Do not make the other person feel bad. Be Practical. Be Realistic. Be Sensible.
Plan a vacation or weekend getaway once in a few months. It need not be luxurious or exotic. Sometimes just a change of scenery is all you need. It does not matter where you go, it matters who goes with you. And the ‘who’ in this context refers to your mind. If a stressed out and distracted mind is going to accompany you on this vacation, it is going to be of no use. Even if you have ventured out on a solo trip, remember to leave your ‘to-do list’ at home. The whole purpose of taking a break is to sit back and enjoy yourself. Immerse yourself completely in the experience. Unwind. Relax and Let go.
Once you have mastered the above work life balance tips, balancing every other aspect of life will come easy. At the end of the day, we are all looking for happiness. We want to go to bed with a happy and peaceful heart having performed our duties to the best of our capabilities. True happiness comes from within. Love yourself for who you are. Accept yourself the way you are. Embrace your strengths. Recognize your limitations. Be compassionate and treat everyone with respect and kindness, no matter what your designation maybe. Your position and your possessions are only temporary. Learn to leave them behind and enjoy life just the way it is.
About the Author
Karen Rego is a content contributor at Life Positive. She is a certified yoga practitioner and has completed her advanced teachers' training in yoga education from The Yoga Institute. She is also a law graduate and has previously worked in corporate law and compliance for 10 years. From her corporate life experience and teachings of classical yoga philosophy, she is able to understand the importance of work life balance.