October 2018 Horoscope: Do your Cards Show a Festive Future?

Contributed by :Ms. Hemma Krishna
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October 2018 horoscope is here to add a spark to the festive season. As Goddess Durga arrives with aplomb, wouldn't you like to know what lies ahead this month? Well, the blessings are for you, so read on...
1. Aries
October is a good month to make changes in your personal relations too.
Card for you: Magician
What it means:
The card of Magician brings forth an auspicious time for new beginnings.
Professional life:
Professionally, you will feel motivated to achieve your goals and can be assertive in getting what you envisage. Projects that were in the pipeline will start progressing at this phase. Prospects may arrive from distant lands. Those looking for a change, this is a perfect time, just push your resume or apply for a new job. Artists, life coaches, and facilitators will witness fresh enthusiasm in their work field. You will be recognized for bright ideas because of smart communication skills.
Personal life:
For singles, this month brings excitement as romance enters your life in a big way. You may meet your mate through a common friend. Parties and get-togethers will bring joy and cheer.
Travel is on the cards as per October 2018 horoscope, but mostly for professional reasons.
2. Taurus
The path of emotional understanding seems to be clear this month and it is all about the personal healing that we need to do ourselves.
Card for you: The Fool
What it means:
The Fool card brings your childlike energy to the forefront. You will be free-spirited and work pressure would be manageable. This would leave room for you to share responsibilities at the home front.
Professional life:
You will see most of your professional endeavors in the light of success. You will make amendments and improvements in your own workplace. Bosses and teachers will be in your favor.
Personal life:
In personal relationships, you will hate unnecessarily imploding. Couples need to work hard to improve their communication skills; which can bring peace in personal and intimate relationships.
According to October 2018 horoscope, weekend getaways or a relaxing retreat will be a great idea for most of you. Exploring new places will help you to connect deeply within.
3. Gemini
It’s a good month for personal security as children and partners will bring pleasure.
Card for you: Queen of Swords
What it means:
Geminis, be ready, as professional and personal learning is coming your way. As indicated on the card of Queen of Swords, you’ll find yourself busy with stimulating ideas and making plans for the future.
Professional life:
Major financial investments are not recommended during this month without prior investigation. Folks in the field of academics and researchers will enjoy command and leadership. A small issue may come up at your workplace but it will simply vanish when you take the charge of a situation. Exploring new avenues will prove beneficial in the long term.
Personal life:
For couples, this is the time that supports refining and improving a relationship. Cards suggest being more sensitive and patient with your elders to avoid arguments. Dating mates can feel over-possessive this month. Singles can face some delays in choosing the perfect partner.
4. Cancer
The month of October brings in a message of patience for Cancerians.
Card for you: Ten of Swords
What it means:
The card of Ten of Swords predicts that your professional life will demand full concentration and will guzzle most of your time.
Professional life:
You should plan all your moves as this is not the month to take impulsive steps, says October 2018 horoscope. Uncalculated professional risks can lead you to an uncomfortable position. Some of you will think of brushing up the professional skills taking up a short course or learn e-commerce, etc.
Personal life:
Personally, it’s a good time to make emotional commitments. If you like someone, just wait and allow it to grow; this will help build up the trust and steadiness. If you are in a committed relationship, this phase may urge you to start thinking of taking the next step.
You may organize a get-together for family and friends. Professional travel will bring monetary gains and hope for the future.
5. Leo
This month brings you to a turning point.
Card for you: Seven of Cups
What it means:
The tarot card Seven of Cups carries few challenges with hidden opportunities that will help you to grow as well. Cards for October 2018 horoscope suggest you watching the expenses during this time and balancing your crazy schedule. Read the documents carefully before signing or committing.
Professional life:
Keep your targets small and attainable to avoid complexities. There are chances of getting involved in controversy at your workplace. But don’t fret; you can count on your old subordinates for support.
Personal life:
Relationships with others take a back seat this month whereas you will like to develop a relationship with yourself. Couples are suggested to avoid hullabaloo and communicate wisely to reach an amicable solution for any disturbing situation. Leo born will like to release their anger and frustration through exercise or sport.
Professionals will benefit from business trips, especially in Mumbai, Singapore, or HongKong.
6. Virgo
Romance would bloom for Virgos this month.
Card for you: Ace of Cups
What it means:
The card of Ace of Cups predicts that your hard work will see lights of success. Along with this, it can prove to be a transforming time for some of you.
Professional life:
You will be busy networking at the professional level with influential people. At the work front, you can expect support from colleagues and boss. Your ideas, too, would be warmly accepted. Your dedication and focus will help you achieve the target. Don’t get impatient while investing in real estate or shares.
Personal life:
Spiritual consciousness grows as you are ready for leading a life of truthfulness. You may get inclined towards healings and therapies. Housewives are seen involving themselves in philanthropic activities. You’ll be excited and will want to enjoy this festive season with your loved ones.
Local travel will keep you on your toes. Travel to Goa, Pune, or Sri Lanka is indicated.
7. Libra
The month of October will bring prosperity and abundance.
Card for you: The Empress
What it means:
Tarot card The Empress indicates a feeling of fulfillment due to monetary gains from unexpected areas.
Professional life:
Professional life will take a hectic pace, reveals October 2018 horoscope. You will be pleased because of the favorable treatment by your superiors. You can also expect sudden financial gain from an old investment. People in creative fields like fashion, jewelry, the architecture will experience leadership command. Team building qualities in the workplace will be appreciated. It’s a good time to invest in property and gold.
Personal life:
On the personal front, spending time with family will strengthen bonds. Most of you will treat all your relationships with compassion and kindness. Dating couples can expect more attention and tenderness from their partner. Fixing up of a marriage is also on cards for those looking for a settlement.
Business/work travel will be beneficial, especially near the sea coast like Mumbai, Goa, Chennai, Hongkong, etc.
8. Scorpio
October is the month to lay low.
Card for you: Three of Swords
What it means:
The card Three of Swords recommends that Scorpios should not aim too high; instead, utilize this time to prepare for A bigger opportunity in the future.
Professional life:
At the workplace, you may find a lot of things getting jeopardized because of certain misunderstandings. Cards suggest you watch your impulses and try to control those wavering desires. If you are looking for a new job, meeting new people and spreading a word around will be beneficial. Businessmen may feel stuck in sales and marketing; they need to plan proper strategies for long-term goals.
Personal life:
Love mates need to plan and set intentions about how they want to see their life in the future. Distant relations will demand more time and patience. Parents need to be careful as kids can react in an unexpected way if you are too forceful.
There is an opportunity of traveling within the country.
9. Sagittarius
A pleasurable month ahead for Sagittarians.
Card for you: King of Pentacles
What it means:
The card King of Pentacles will keep you inspired and creative, which ultimately makes you a new vision analyst.
Professional life:
Professional life goes smoothly and poses no challenge. As per October 2018 horoscope, this is a good month for recovery, as dividends that you have been waiting for or an investment that was supposed to bring you profits will come through. There will be opportunities for new partnerships.
Personal life:
At the domestic front, you shall mentor someone and good karma will be reciprocated. Blessings and support from your elders will be much appreciated. In your personal relations, give your partner room to grow, to transform, to heal, to express their truth and to be original in their own way. Singles may recognize their inner need for love and romance. Don’t hold back, rather open up to invite a soul mate.
Projects or business expansion in Dubai, Singapore, or China will be beneficial.
10. Capricorn
It’s an excellent month for partying and making friends.
Card for you: Four of Pentacles
What it means:
Capricorn individuals enter a highly creative period. The card of Four of Pentacles helps to recognize your hidden talents. You will be glad to receive a gift or a chance of inheritance is also on cards.
Professional life:
Striking great business deals and expanding business network will keep you busy this month. Pending assignments will be accomplished smoothly. Those of you who were waiting for dividends or an investment bonus can expect good news regarding the same.
Personal life:
Excitement builds up at the personal front. Your social calendar seems to be full, says October 2018 horoscope. Single Capricorns can experience love and compatibility in their close relationship.
Some of you may have to travel a lot - just like living out of their suitcases. A romantic getaway with your partner will be very refreshing. Sudden and a quick trip is indicated which can have a mixed bag of results.
11. Aquarius
Aquarians need to focus more and figure out the next course of action that would enable them to make wise decisions.
Card for you: The Moon
What it means:
The tarot card of The Moon will make you feel nostalgic and also emotional on many fronts.
Professional life:
You may face roadblocks in your way at work front but don’t worry, they are just temporary. Because of this, you will need to modify your plans and working style. Cards for October 2018 horoscope suggest you plan your strategies for your future adjustment and advancement.
Personal life:
Personally, you may find yourself antisocial; avoiding grapevine gossips and controversies. It will be a wise decision for dysfunctional relationships to give some gap. Folks, if you are looking for a relationship, make sure to think long and hard and don’t rush into any commitment. Your partner can start feeling insecure because of miscommunication between both of you.
October 2018 horoscope indicates an ideal time to plan a business cum pleasure trip.
12. Pisces
Emotionally, Pisceans will experience a fulfilling time.
Card for you: Ten of Wands
What it means:
The tarot card Ten of Wands brings forth a productive month to focus on the foundations of your business. Though, it may increase your workload, with more errands and paperwork.
Professional life:
Cards advise you to seek help while making important decisions regarding business or signing contracts. Decisions should be taken in a serious frame of mind as a slipshod attitude towards your work can lead to more confusion.
Professional life:
An old friend or flame can come back into your life. Your enigmatic charisma can spice up an existing romance or ignite a passionate new relation. If you admire someone, this is the right time to express the feelings that are deep inside along with what your heart desires.
Be mindful while planning a trip as it can be an unexpected one. Also, this is a good time for relocations, as per October 2018 horoscope.
(Please note: The words that you see on the images are the Zodiac signs in German)