Health And Wellness For Your Maltese Dog
When you adopt pets, you commit to caring for them. This means providing the best care possible. This involves aspects like regular vet checkups, reliable dog health insurance, constant exercise, and a healthy diet. Giving your pets a diet consisting of all-natural and organic products can only be to their advantage.
Their bodies will feel significantly better than if on a regular or, even worse, a generic food brand meal plan. Because of the essential vitamins and oils in well-planned diets, their fur stays shiny and white. Another good indication of a balanced diet is no visible signs of dryness or excessive oil causing fur to get knotted and matted. This doesn’t mean that you will never need to comb their hair because as they age, their hair gets longer, and brushing becomes part of their daily routine.
Health benefits.
There are many positives to using chemical-free ingredients, not only the fact that they are toxin-free but the additives and preservatives that allow the products to last so long on the supermarket shelves are eliminated.
Who knows what negative side-effects these could have on your pup’s immune system or bodily functions in general?
So how can you add a health element to your pet’s diet, well if you are a budding cooking enthusiast then baking homemade treats and making cooked meals could be right up your alley? There is an ingredient that has proven popular and is increasingly so daily a plant compound by the name of Cannabidiol, or CBD (read more about it here https://www.health.com/condition/chronic-pain/what-is-cbd ).
If you are a beginner in the kitchen then fear not, CBD has high versatility making it great for all culinary levels. It comes in many forms, let’s take a look at how some of these can be included in your meal prep and dinners or snacks for your furball.
Dinner. Hot meals are easily infused with vitamins and natural products, simply stir a few drops of CBD oil into the meal before serving and you can be sure they will finish their food and that the oil is ingested fully.
Gummies. Who would have thought that pets would take a liking to these but they have been a hit with dogs around the world and raved about by their owners on social media platforms? Dissolving natural ingredients into molds and then popping them in the fridge to set is a new taste experience for animals and will keep mealtimes interesting.
As is. Your pup may not mind being tugged and pulled by little ones in the family, and if so this makes it easier to open their mouths and squeeze a couple of oil drops under their tongue. This method allows it to be absorbed and ingested much quicker into the body and it can get to work in the system more effectively and efficiently.
Hygiene. Kids love washing dogs, getting soaked and covered in bubbles what’s not to love, a CBD dog wash is not only great for your pet but it is chemical-free making it safe for kids to get involved.
Weight watching
Some pet owners think that having an overweight pet is cute, that essentially there is ‘more to love,’ and in a way there is, but this is not healthy or safe. Many complications are attached to overweight or even obese dog, which is why diet and exercise are vital.
While it will certainly take more effort on your part on ensuring they stay active, it comes as part of the responsibility of taking on ownership of an animal. Besides, a healthy lifestyle has endless positive points, and the last thing you want is to be worrying about your maltese dog health issues when they are so easily preventable.
Let’s take a look at the top few points brought up in discussion as to why pet owners believe in an active and busy lifestyle.
A fit pup.
Maltese dogs have petit bodies that need excellent nutrition to keep them nutritionally sound but also safe to handle the everyday knocks and bumps or even rumbles with the kids, if they are fragile with no muscle strength (even if only a little) they run the risk of serious injury.
Going for a walk and a few short sprints of throwing and fetching a stick will get their heart rates up and blood flowing to the vital organs, it is also good for their cardiovascular system.
Burning off the unnecessary and especially in show dogs the unwanted fat layer and calories will help maintain show-stopping physic and as oxygen and blood flow freely around the body, their hair looks healthier, the sheen shinier, and stronger teeth for that winning smile.
Believe it or not, but an animal that is well-versed in the activity of being outdoors, getting fresh air, and keeping to a fitter regime, has a better mood and morale.
Endorphins can do wonders, both physically and mentally, and when your pet has been panting up and down the park for hours they will feel (and look) great. See this interesting article if you click here on why and how the chemical balance works and what it can do to add to your pup’s lifestyle.
We all feel great after a workout, kids are on a high after they’ve been climbing and sliding on every piece of equipment in the playground, and the same goes for our furry family members. A home filled with smiles and a great mood is the essence of life, and all it takes is a trip to the park. Win-win.