Are you Carrying Enough Baggage with You? Time to Drop!

Contributed by :Mr. Nitish Suraj Paliwal
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Did you ever come across a thought on how much “baggage” you have been carrying with you over the past so many years? Many call this “baggage” as “past.”
Have there been instances wherein you think about incidents, situations, or individual(s), which affected you many years ago, and you are still not happy about them?
Have there been times when you felt tired about dragging something, even when everything is going fine in your life?
Have there been times when you start feeling that life has started slowing down and you don’t know why?
If you look back, you will realize that you have been carrying a lot of baggage with yourself, regarding failed relationships, unfulfilled desires/expectations, and regrets of not doing certain things, which you truly had a strong desire for. And when you get into a conversation or a situation, these instances from the past peep into your present. The reason it happens is that these situations/individuals are still present in your subconscious mind.
Conscious (rational) vs. subconscious mind (irrational)
- Conscious Mind – This is the part of your mind that you can willingly access at any point of time. You think with your conscious mind.
- Subconscious mind – This is a storehouse of data. Memories and experiences of every moment of your life get stored in it. Whatever you think habitually sinks down into your subconscious mind, which creates according to the nature of your thoughts.
Lord Buddha once said, “you think, you become”. You think in your conscious mind and your subconscious acts on it and produces the results. The subconscious mind is more powerful than you can imagine.
Dealing with the not-so-good in life
Having not-so-good experiences in life is okay. It’s also okay to have specific desires/expectations not fulfilled. It’s okay, and why do I say that?
Because at the end of the day what’s essential for you is “Yourself”. It’s important to understand that whatever you always got was meant for you and that it was right for you then. Nothing is constant in life. It’s important to let go off situations and forgive people – which would have been the reasons for not-so-good experiences in the past. If you do not let the past go, it’ll continue to stay in your subconscious mind and affect your present.
Staying in “present” is powerful. There’s nothing you can change or influence, which has happened in the past or what will happen in the future. Then why waste your time, focus, and energy on such things/people. Do not let anything external influence your thoughts and positive energies.
How to get rid of the "baggage"?
The next question is: how do you get rid of the “baggage” or avoid piling it up?
It’s effortless.
- You need to ask yourself – how important this thing/ situation/individual is in your life in the present? How does this thing/ situation/individual will contribute to fulfilling your purpose in life? The answer will help you make the right decision.
- Another way of getting rid of your past baggage is that you disassociate yourself from all those situations/individuals and ask yourself – am I a doer? If I’m not a doer, then who is? The answer is – the “Universe” is the doer. You are just a medium. Anything that is meant for you, the Universe will get it to you. You are part of the universe.
- The easiest way to get rid of your current baggage is to find yourself a coach who can assist you in your journey to shed your baggage and equip you with tools that can help you avoid building up the baggage in the future.
"Dear Zindagi"
In one of the Bollywood movies, Dear Zindagi (Dear Life), the character Kaira (played by Alia Bhatt) was frustrated due to her failing relationships. She was scared that she will get hurt by the other person and presupposed it. While in search of an answer, she happens to come across a psychologist and decides to seek his help. Shah Rukh Khan has played the role of a psychologist, a coach, who creates an environment of trust and openness. This allows Kaira to express herself openly about her experiences.
In the next few sessions, they discover that she has been failing in her relationships due to something that happened in her childhood. As a young child, she suffered ignorance from her parents, deficiency in love, and absence of emotional support, due to which she had developed baggage of negative feelings for her parents. She was hurt and, hence, she feared to build any relationship further on.
Her past was affecting her present. And she found it tough to reconcile with her parents to start with. Once she started doing it, she was at ease and slowly started overcoming her past burden of emotions. The coach played an important role in not judging her by what she was and how she behaved. He also created an environment for her to express as well as realize what was affecting her.
Stop dragging, start living
At times we are so occupied with our lives that we tend to forget the baggage we continue to build and drag it for lives. I will explain it through an analogy, where we want to immediately get our self a trolley when we are traveling and have enough bags with us. Dragging heavy bag(s) is difficult.
Similarly, when we are carrying enough baggage/past with us, we need someone whom we can trust with our lives, a coach, who can help us get rid of the baggage. This helps us live at peace and enjoy our journey of life. We tend to spend a lot of time and money in engaging ourselves to keep ourselves happy materialistically. It can be such a wonderful experience to engage a coach who can help you become Happy, Independent and Powerful from within.
I am sure you will get yourself time to introspect, dive into your subconscious mind for the “baggage," which you have been dragging and start working on eliminating this baggage. You have now chosen to begin your “transformational” journey called “Life” - full of happiness, love, success, and abundance.
God be with you.
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Bhavay 19-06-2018 at 10:51:13 am
Good one....keep up the good work and continue to inspire others with positivity....