Experience a Beautiful Journey called Life - Are you Ready

Contributed by :Mr. Nitish Suraj Paliwal
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When we were kids, we were guided by our parents and teachers and other closed knit family members. Our beliefs and values were driven by our environment then. Our schooling and education went in a flow until we reached a stage wherein we had to decide on which stream to follow (science, commerce, arts, humanities, etc.). For some, the decision was primarily influenced by what our parents thought was right for us and sometimes it was affected by what our best friends chose. The choices we made then had no connection to our real purpose in the journey called life. “True purpose of our life” – what does this mean?
In the journey called life, ee completed our education and started with our jobs – we wanted to start earning, no matter what, as we had the pressure of becoming “independent” and as well as our friends already started with their first jobs. Welcome to the rat race. Do we believe that our education is in alignment with what we wanted to achieve and whether our jobs were anywhere related to what we studied?
A few days ago, one of my colleagues approached me for a coaching session. We had multiple rounds of coaching sessions before, and she felt that those sessions helped her look at the positive aspects of professional and personal challenges she was facing in her life.
In this session, she wanted to get guidance on her professional growth and that what she should be doing to ensure that she continues to grow. I responded saying, does she mean promotion? And she replied in affirmation. During our 45 mins long conversation, I concluded it by sharing an example with her
Whenever you want to book a cab, you access the app on your phone. The first step to book a cab is to type in the destination, and without which you can’t move to the second step of allowing the app to search for the nearest cab and finally confirming the booking.
The journey called life is a “Beautiful” journey. The journey starts when you decide the destination – what you want to achieve. Till then you are just being swayed away by the external environment around you. There have been many examples around us, who knew what they wanted to achieve – and this led them to be successful (the definition of success was unique for each one of them). Talk about Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sachin Tendulkar, to name a few. There are many whom you know and connect with easily.
I concluded the conversation with my colleague by making a suggestion – identify the destination which will give you happiness and helps you resonate with your true self – and develop yourself and acquire skills that will help you reach your goal, irrespective of external challenges. In the same way, the cab takes you through multiple milestones, at times being influenced by the external environment like a traffic jam, red lights, changing routes, etc. and still your destination remains the same.
In the journey called life, even if you haven’t thought about a destination yet, you are not late, and there’s always a new day. It’s today that you would like to search for that destination within yourself – it’s hidden somewhere within, covered by the materialistic desires, professional aspirations and personal fulfillment.
You have all the power and resources to walk the journey which you want to, without being influenced by the external environment. It’s your life and your journey – which is very special for you. Every time, you will now use an app to book a cab, and while you type the destination, it would now remind you of your destination of your life – your true purpose.
Do not get influenced by external factors – filter information which is flowing into you – accept only what aligns the best with your destination and ignore rest. This will help you stay focused.
My best wishes to you on your beautiful journey, called “Life”. God be with you.
Author Bio:
Nitish Suraj Paliwal is a certified life coach. He has helped many individuals – realize their true potential, achieve desired results, solve problems with their relationships, bring in motivation and happiness in their lives, and most importantly – helped them meet themselves. He can help you meet your “Life”.