The circle of karma
Karma can be both good and bad. Whatever it may be, it can be tackled only when we accept it and work on handling it with the blessings of the supreme.
Long back , in 2006-2007, an ailment struck me when I least expected it. I was reasonably fitness conscious but suddenly something strange was happening to my body. Though not into gyms and games, I would climb stairs sometimes even 10 floors as a minimum fitness routine. Now, I could not even climb one floor.
What was happening to me? Was I going to become worse and perhaps even dependant on others at an early stage of life? I started reading more in the health section of a magazine or newspaper. In a foolish way, I tried to become a doctor to myself without knowing what was happening in my body. I chanted all the prayers I knew, of all religions and faiths and even followed a pattern of one day for one chant. I did this quietly at night and never let anyone know I was disturbed and wished to remain a super woman to everyone. I kept hoping this was a temporary phase and tried to do a little bit of meditation and of course, kept reading positive books and attended as many motivational talks that I could and kept telling myself “This too shall pass”.
My husband could make out something was wrong and kept asking me to go for at least a check-up but I would avoid it, giving some or the other excuse or the other. The reason was I was scared of what the result would be. Would I be admitted to a hospital? Would the doctor tell me to stop going out independently? What would happen to my children? After many discussions and coercion, I did go to the hospital where I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or MS, an inflammatory disease in which myelin sheaths of the brain and spinal cord are damaged. The cause is not clear, and these changes affect the ability of nerve cells to communicate, resulting in a wide range of signs and symptoms. More women are prone to get it and it typically occurs in young adults.
In a sense, I was a classic case of multiple sclerosis as I had been hit by this ailment in the peak of life.
After many ups and downs, I learnt to deal with this unwelcome ailment and am leading a complete life to the best of my ability. I have also learnt the best thing to do with unwelcome karma is do as much dharma as possible to mitigate it. Thanks to Life Positive, I certainly have come across many people who always think positively ignoring the external world and its difficulties, if any.
Due to Life Positive, my internal world has automatically become stronger which is why I feel I have dealt with my karma in a dharmic way. This was in a sense, a gift from the creator when I needed it the most. The question of “why me” certainly does not visit me anymore as I have learnt that divine justice goes hand in hand with divine blessings. Thus,the beginning and ending of each day of mine is with gratitude for the many blessings I have been blessed with.