Deep Theta meditation: The Day I Forgot to Breathe...
The day I forgot to breathe and the world turned upside down. I was dead. My ambitions died raw. My dreams died young. My body was alive; my soul was dead. I was unaware of deep theta meditation then.
Ask a doctor and he or she will tell you that breathing is an involuntary process. True. But it only keeps your physical being alive. Your soul is beyond physical. To keep the soul alive, we must breathe...consciously.
Check your breath now as you read this. Are you breathing deep and right? No! You will be shocked by how shallow your breathing is!
Time to take a hard look at self
We all are breathing. Yet we are not.
We all are alive. Yet we are not.
Here's a checklist. If you say "yes" to even five of them, I would congratulate you for a living!
- I am doing what I love to do.
- I know and do deep theta meditation.
- I can manage stress smartly and do not take unnecessary stress.
- I am healthy - physically and mentally.
- I understand that change is constant.
- I can let go of things that bother me.
- I am confident of the way my physical appearance is.
- I feel compassion for fellow beings, including animals and trees.
- I take criticism positively.
- I forgive people who do wrong to me.
- I do not judge people.
- I take life as it comes. I am not afraid of the future.
- I feel energetic, light, and happy with a zest for life.
- I have no regrets. Whatever is done is done.
- I am happy. I love myself.
So, how many "yes" did you score?
The day you answer an instant "yes" to all of the above, your spiritual being comes to life. You will be surprised to meet your "other" side. Because, until now, you knew only your physical and emotional self.
Thumb rule of life
You are not your body.
You are the soul.
Your body is only a packaging gifted to you by the Creator to spend time on Earth. One day, you will have to come out of this packaging. On the Earth, we call it "to die."
All the materialism and competition in the world has trapped our souls and squeezed out all the spirituality. We have forgotten to breathe. Deep Theta meditation can help you breathe again.
Soul training
If we can rein the mind, we can discover our soul. Isn't it an irony that we are nothing but the soul, yet we forget this and identify ourselves with the mortal body?
It is possible to condition the mind. That's what we have been doing for ages. We make ourselves believe certain things and these things limit us throughout life. We forget that we are the soul with infinite capabilities. Deep Theta meditation helps us realize our true selves. It also helps us to expand our capabilities.
It is time to re-condition the mind and set it free.
Amidst the hustle-bustle of a fast-paced lifestyle, we forget our original self. We get trapped in the vicious circle of attending to family responsibilities, job, etc. Where are "you" amidst being a mother/father, wife/husband, daughter/son, sister/brother, boss/employee, and other roles?
Do you know who you are?
I am not talking about your designation at the workplace or your role at home. I am asking: Who are YOU?
Haven't you forgotten to breathe life into your soul? It seems so, right?
Let's do something for the soul
The first step is to start breathing again. For this, you must get your emotional self-right. Emotions choke you. They alter your breathing pattern.
Ever observed your breathing when you are anxious or fearful or angry? Observe the same when you are relaxed and cheerful.
Conscious breathing is the first step to discovering your soul. Because we are so accustomed to shallow breathing that we have to make a conscious effort to breathe deeply. Deep Theta meditation starts with breathing correctly.
Start now. Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply. You will feel fresh and good. As you inhale, imagine health and happiness entering through the nostrils. As you exhale, imagine the stress, worries, tension, anger, hatred, or whatever is bothering you coming out of the nostrils.
Theta healing technique works wonders in helping you change your breathing pattern. It is your door to deep theta meditation.
Scientific evidence suggests that the brain has five frequencies: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Gamma, and Delta. Each frequency has its own characteristics and makes you behave accordingly. Theta is a state of deep relaxation. This frequency helps you unwind and release negative emotions so that you can start life afresh.
Techniques like meditation and yoga work to reduce stress and help you breathe better. However, there are people who cannot meditate. They just can't sit still thanks to all the stress, fear, and other emotions wreaking havoc in their minds. Theta healing helps such people. Once you bring your brain in the theta state, you can slip into deep theta meditation.
Do you know you can also learn theta healing? You can avail yourselves theta healing training in Delhi and learn this wonderful healing technique, along with deep theta meditation.
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is a senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.