Bhagwad Geeta and its many followers
Recently a film was released based on the 2005 biography American Prometheus. This film chronicles the career of Oppenheimer who invented the atom bomb that enabled America to win in World War ii. He is believed to have found solace in the Gita.
The challenges of life
Everywhere what matters is the way we face life and our intent. Arjuna did not kill to harm his brothers but to establish Dharma. Oppenheimer definitely was responsible for the atom bomb that killed many inhumanely but his intention was to stop the Germans from destroying the Jews in a most horrific manner. Oppenheimer later became a pacifist and was totally against warfare of any kind and again found solace in the Gita.
Karma and solutions
Life is complex and answers can indeed be found only with faith and acceptance of the cards that have been dealt to us, again because of our previous karma that we may have done in this birth or the previous ones. This is the only thing that can explain the sufferings of even children suffering that we often see around us.
God is indeed compassionate so the only reason is for us to learn lessons for the wrongs we may have committed in our previous birth(s). Our souls are eternal so this can be learnt anytime in the journey of our lives.
This is the core Vedantic philosophy that believes in us learning lessons in the journey of our lives.
During India’s independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi found non - violence in the Gita, B R Ambedkar found fighting against oppression in the Gita, Vinoba Bhave found compassion and sharing in the Gita and many have found solace in it,
This is the core Vedantic philosophy that believes in us learning lessons in the journey of our lives.
During India’s independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi found non - violence in the Gita, B R Ambedkar found fighting against oppression in the Gita, Vinoba Bhave found compassion and sharing in the Gita and many have found solace in it,
The essential aspect is that many have found is solace through the Gita in an era where mental health is said to be a major concern as stated even by the World Health Organisation
Whatever the text, surrender to the divine and having pure intent is the only thing we can do in the journey of our lives. May the true message of the Gita spread.