How to Improve Sex Life: 7 Divine Ways to have Good Sex
When did you last have sex? It's a Divine feeling, not dirty at all, as believed by societies. Sex is a Divine thing to heals your soul and body. It is neither a dirty word nor a wrong act. As long as love and consent are involved in the act between two people, sex becomes a meditation. Wondering how to improve sex life. Read on...
Sex is an important part of a love relationship between a man and a woman.
Fulfilling sex life can add sparks to your relationship and, at the same time, keep you happy and healthy. Scientific studies show that orgasm releases oxytocin hormone in the body. This is a happy hormone, also called the love hormone. It also eases all aches and pains from the body. Doctors call it a natural pain reliever.
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How to improve sex life and have good sex?
There are books and heaps of reading material on sex, it seems things are not working. Otherwise, why are people still seeking ways to have good sex?
Alas, all this material fails to touch the core issue. They will talk about positions in bed, give you tips on how to do this, what he loves, what she loves, blah, blah...but has anybody ever told you that your chakras play a crucial role in sex?
You may have heard and read about chakras, which are energy centers of our body. They keep your physical and emotional being healthy. Energy balance is important for the healthy functions of vital organs. Balanced chakras create a good aura too.
At times, our childhood and home atmosphere make us negative. This, later, affects their love life. You can contact the best life coaches and sort out things in your life.
Has anybody told you that balanced chakras help you improve sex life and have great sex?
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are finding trouble having sex and your relationship is in the doldrums due to unfulfilling sex life, you need to take a look at your chakras.
There are 7 chakras in the body. Each chakra has a role to play to enhance your sexual activity and gratification. Both hyperactive and underactive chakras can create problems in your sexual life.
Problems like:
- Frigidity
- Loss of interest in sex
- Loss of trust in your partner
- Wanting sex almost all the time (sex maniac)
- Feelings of guilt and shame
There are more problems, but the above are common. The last one is rampantly prevalent among people, as society teaches us that sex is bad. So, this pleasure is taken as a sin.
To improve sex life, you must work on the above problems. For that, you must work on your chakras.
The first step towards a great sex life
The first thing you must do is consider sex divine. Delete from your brain's memory the following beliefs: "sex is sin," "sex is dirty," and such perverted thoughts.
Only when you think positive about sex can you enjoy this beautiful activity with ease and enjoyment.
In case you are finding difficulty in feeling positive, you can undergo NLP life training. This helps to re-wire your brain and alter your perceptions of life.
Now comes the most important part...
The 7 chakras open doors to have great sex with your partner.
Here are 7 ways you on how to improve your sex life and become a sizzling couple.
Way #1: Trust your partner when you have sex with him/her
There are couples who don't trust each other. They are in the relationship just for the sake of it. So, it's obvious that they have sex only for the sake of it. This activity, which is supposed to strengthen the bond and increase love between two people, becomes a sort of work to release energy.
Where's the problem?
The problem lies in the Root Chakra or the Mooladhara Chakra.
The root chakra lies at the base of the spine, forming the foundation of your energy system. It regulates our sense of security, safety, and trust. When it becomes difficult to trust people whom you love you need to take a look at your root chakra.
The solution:
You need to open up your root chakra. It is weak. The healthy root chakra is necessary for all sexual bonds because you must do this activity with somebody whom you trust. Can you imagine enjoying sex with somebody whom you don't trust? When you feel insecure you cannot connect and when you cannot connect you cannot have fulfilling sex.
Imagine red light passing through the base of your spinal cord as you keep on saying, "I trust my partner and am safe with him/her."
Way #2: Accept your sexuality freely and stop feeling shameful
One of the biggest problems, especially among Indian women, is that they feel shameful of their sexuality. They are conditioned to feel this way. Feel sexy, ladies. Even men, at times, feel guilty when they indulge in a sexual act. Why? As long as mutual consent is involved, you are doing nothing wrong. This is a natural thing to do.
Where's the problem?
The problem lies in the Sacral Chakra, which regulates sex organs.
The Sacral Chakra lies between the navel and the Mooladhara Chakra. It can go haywire when you are feeling guilty and shameful related to sex acts and some incidents of sexual abuse. In the latter case, your Sacral Chakra may get affected and you would feel shameful during a consensual sex act also. People who may have done some sexual wrongdoing also feel guilty later.
The solution:
Forgive yourselves and the person who has done wrong with you. That doesn't mean you don't report sexual assault. Do the legal deeds necessary, but you also need to forgive that person for your own emotional and physical wellbeing. Also, you must accept your sexuality. You need to "erase" those memories of the assault. There is a therapy called Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) for sexual abuse. You can schedule a session with a therapist and get rid of all the negative emotions regarding sex. This is also helpful for people who may have sexually abused somebody in the past and now feel remorse.
Imagine a deep orange light passing through the sacrum, as you keep on saying, "I forgive myself for my past sexual wrongdoings or the person who did it to me and I accept my sexual being."
Way #3: Keep your ego aside during sex and appreciate your partner
Some people keep on thinking, "how am I performing?" during a sexual act. Their mind is occupied in performance, rather than enjoying the very experience! Also, they expect more or better from their partner. Such people usually end up dissatisfied after an act. Hey, guys and gals, there is no competition here! Just relax and explore each other's bodies and enjoy it!
Where's the problem?
The problem lies in the Solar Plexus Chakra, which regulates the stomach and organs associated with digestion.
Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel, just below the sternum. It is associated with your personal power, pride, and vitality. When this chakra is imbalanced, pride can take the form of ego and a person may want to show power. He/she becomes a control freak, even in bed. These are signs of a blocked chakra.
The solution:
You need to open your chakra and let the life force energy flow freely. This is one of the most important steps on how to improve your sex life. One of the most effective techniques to open up chakras is Reiki. Know how to learn Reiki or schedule a session with a Reiki healer. Once your chakra is open, you will start appreciating your partner, worry less about your performance in bed, and receive more sexual gratitude and gratification.
Imagine a bright yellow light passing through the stomach, as you keep saying, "I appreciate my partner and myself while having sex and love the way we have sex."
Way #4: Love unconditionally and see the magic happen in bed!
Tough to love unconditionally, right? We almost always expect from the other. "If he loves me, he should do this..." or "If she loves me, she should behave like that..." and more. Some people even marry on conditions! Some men take their wives for granted and EXPECT them to always be available in bed. Some women refrain from having sex with their husbands as a "punishment" when he does not fulfill her demands. What kind of love is this?
Where's the problem?
The problem lies in the Heart Chakra, which regulates our capacity to love.
The Heart Chakra is located in the chest area, at the breastbone. When this chakra is blocked you develop a fear of love. You hesitate loving somebody and yourself fully. When this happens sex becomes only a work to do in bed, not a gesture of love. Passion disappears, so does satisfaction.
The solution:
Open your heart space. If you are seriously pondering over how to improve your sex life, you must love from deep within your heart. Love yourself. Admire and pamper yourselves. As you begin to love yourselves, you start loving the other better. This opens doors for passionate sex.
Imagine bright green light passing through the heart, as you keep saying, "I am open to unconditional love."
Way #5: Be creative in bed to spark excitement
Having sex with the same missionary position? Try a new position! Having sex always in bed? Try someplace else! Do something more creative. Invest more time in foreplay. Give your partner a massage or something. Start your sexual activity with something creative. For this, you need to be expressive. Otherwise, you may have the same dull sex act every time and this can bring in boredom. This is what actually happens after years of marriage. In reality, you aren't bored with your partner, but with the same-sex act. Once you know how to improve sex life, boredom will vanish.
Where's the problem?
The problem lies in the Throat Chakra, which regulates self-esteem, creativity, and self-expression.
The Throat Chakra, when blocked, makes you dull and unexcited. You just lie frigid in bed, while your partner does the act and then go to sleep.
The solution:
Open your Throat Chakra. Find new ways to have sex. Create a lovely atmosphere by lighting scented candles, sprinkling rose petals in bed, wearing some hot lingerie, and others. As your chakra opens, newer ideas pop into your mind. The result: you end up having steaming sex and your skin glows with health!
Imagine vibrant blue light passing through the throat, as you keep saying, "I am sexy, loving, and creative while making love."
Way #6: Trust your intuition for a passionate experience
Do you simply wish to hug your partner tightly and stay like this for many minutes? Then do so! Do you wish to decorate your bedroom for romance? Do it! This is your inner voice saying to you. Listen to it. If you are seeking ways on how to improve your sex life, then you must open up from the inside to have good sex. Learn to listen to your intuition. Don't shut down that voice that comes from within. It is the Divine calling you.
Where's the problem?
The problem lies in the Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra, which regulates intuition, clairvoyance power, and wisdom.
When the Ajna Chakra is blocked or has a weak energy flow you are confused. You fail to connect with your partner at a deeper level because you consider sex just a physical activity. You only do it; you don't feel it. And that's when the problem arises. Good sex implies you do it and feel it from deep within. Your physical, emotional, and spiritual being - all are involved in the act.
The solution:
When your Ajna Chakra is open you connect with your intuition and, as a result, are better able to connect with your partner at the emotional plane. This leads to good sex. When there is an intimacy between the partners there is fulfilling sexual activity.
Imagine indigo-blue light passing through the forehead, as you keep saying, "I am in harmony with my honey!"
Way #7: Completely be in the moment while having sex for a Divine orgasm
Thinking about what you will wear to the office tomorrow? Thinking about dinner? Is your mind wandering somewhere else? All these thoughts are fine. But what if you have all these thoughts while having sex!! No way! If this is happening to you, then you need to do a chakra check.
Where's the problem?
The problem lies at the Crown Chakra, which regulates our connectivity with the Divine power.
When energy flow in this chakra is not balanced our mind tends to wander a lot. We also lose our spiritual side and become too practical and materialistic.
The solution:
If you wish to have meditative sex, you need to open your Crown Chakra. You will be in the moment completely and love every second of your lovemaking. Be ready for a great orgasm. This happens when the energy of your partner merges well with your energy and there happens a sweet explosion. It is pure ecstasy!
Imagine clear violet or white light passing through the crown of the head, as you keep saying, "Let the Divine forces flow through us while our sexual energy exchange."
Forget what the world says on how to improve sex life. Keep aside those sex toys, pills, and other tips for sex life. Just open your chakras and see the magic happen between you and your partner.
As a last note, I want to tell singles to enjoy life.
Let your chakras be active and balanced so that you can attract love in your life and make doors for Divine sex. You will not need to seek answers to how to improve sex life. How about some unique Valentine's Day ideas for you, eh?
Feeling sexy already?
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy.
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Amit Chauhan25-04-2019 at 04:25:18 pm
Wow! This article has opened my eyes about sex. This is such a beautifully written article.