Unique Valentines Day Ideas for Singles and Thumb Rule of Love
Who is your Valentine? The next time somebody asks you this question, give them a big smile and say, "me!" One of the unique Valentine's Day ideas for singles this year is to be their own Valentine. The hottest sentence this year is "I am my own Valentine."
Some of you may nod their heads in silence, wondering inside, "True, but easier said than done." Moreover, with the media glamorizing Valentine's Day, it becomes difficult to stay single as the day approaches. And (I would say by God's grace) if you are single on Valentine's Day, you are more likely to sulk. Just look at the faces of singles on this day - it seems as if somebody has grabbed their throats and they are unable to breathe!
What's so bad about being single on Valentine's Day, eh?
On the contrary, it's great to be single on the day of love! Now, you have nobody but you to love completely! My unique Valentines Day ideas for singles will help you enjoy the day better.
Not convinced? Well, first I will give you 3 concrete reasons to enjoy your singledom this Valentine.
3 Powerful reasons to be single on Valentine's Day
1. You are completely yourself:
You need not dress up for somebody, groom yourself, or apply layers of makeup just to impress your Valentine. Also, you don't waste your time thinking about what you will wear or what you will do on the D-day, where you will go to meet your date, what you will say, etc.
There are 3 benefits to this:
- You save money on these unnecessary things!
- When single you get time to do some other more productive work.
- You are saved from that typical nervousness "How am I looking?" etc, etc.
2. You escape the risk of getting ditched:
Valentine is not just mushy, romantic love. So many hearts break. You can see a rise in emotionally disturbed people after this day. A study reveals that psychologists get busy after this day of love, trying to sort out people's love issues, depression caused due to heartbreak, and more.
No Valentine, no betrayal.
No string of messages, no calls, no emotional dramas, and other "side effects" of dating. You are a free bird. You can fly away anywhere. Doesn't this feel nice?
One of my unique Valentine's Day ideas is to ditch dating and embrace your single status. Make friends. Have fun. Why so serious, eh?
Remember, you never find love when you look for it. Love knocks at your door when you are engrossed living your life. It takes you by surprise and this is one of the sweetest things to happen!
3. You get to enjoy your singledom:
There is great joy in being single. You have your own space. You are more connected to yourselves. This gives you a chance to discover your spiritual side.
How many times do people forget about themselves when in a relationship? Almost all the time! Some even ignore their wellbeing and serve their loved ones to the fullest, losing their own identity.
Being single helps you identify yourselves. This is not about being selfish. This is about self-love. So, one of the most happening and unique Valentine's Day ideas is to fall in love with yourself.
Surprise yourselves. Do something you never did before, say, take NLP life training. It can help you train your mind so that you create your own happiness. Nobody dictates it for you.
Thumb rule of Love
First, love your own self to be able to love the other.
One of the biggest tragedies that happened on the Earth is that people fell in love with the other person and forgot loving their own selves.
As a result:
- They became emotionally dependent on the other.
- Their happiness depended on the other person.
- They started identifying themselves with the other.
- They forgot themselves!
Poets and lyricists often write, "I forgot myself when I fell in love with you!"
It feels nice to hear such lyrics, but when you dig deeper into its meaning, you are jolted. The truth tumbles out.
You realize why problems crop up in a relationship after some time. It is because you stop loving yourselves and completely give the reins of your emotional self to the other. Frustration builds inside you silently. Consciously, you keep on loving, but one fine day the subconscious responds and all hell breaks loose.
One of my unique Valentine's Day ideas is to take back the control.
I am not encouraging you to break up with your beau. No!
Just do this: This Valentine Day, love your own self first.
Hot tips for those in a relationship
Instead of going on a date with your beau, go on a date with yourselves!
Do this:
- Pamper yourselves the whole day.
- Change your routine for the day and do things that you love (apart from spending time with your beau!)
At the end of the day, you will feel refreshed and happy.
Now you are ready to love your partner more!
Have a sizzling Valentine night. Set the dinner table for two of you and cook a scrumptious meal or go out on a romantic dinner.
Pampering yourselves is vital to keep the spark of romance alive in your relationship. This is because only when you are happy can you make your partner happy.
Hot tips for singles
- Buy yourselves a nice gift.
- Try something new. Say, fix a session of Reiki healing for weight loss. Drop your regular weight loss program.
- Fill your place with fresh roses in all colors.
Be your own soul's mate
Remember: you are a spiritual being descended on Earth for human experience.
You are beyond your body. That's why I advise all singles who are ready to mingle to choose a partner who connects to you at your soul level. Don't go on physical appearances alone and definitely never be in a relationship for emotional support.
One thing I find funny is the concept that you are incomplete without a spouse. Wrong. We all are complete beings.
Only when we feel complete and lovable can we love the other person fully.
And, believe me, when you start feeling like this you will, sooner or later, attract a similar soul towards you. And then, your relationship will not be a "dependent" one.
Such a relationship would make you emotionally independent, give you space to be you, and let you keep your own identity.
In such a relationship, the sparks of love forever fly and the moments of bliss never die.
Hot tips for souls who have just met on Earth
Here is yet another one from my list of unique Valentine's Day ideas for those who have just met somebody.
You can know whether you are meeting a lover from a past life. Sometimes, it happens that when you meet somebody for the first time you feel you have met him or her before. Unveil the mystery this Valentine through a past life regression session from a renowned therapist.
You can also enroll for one of the renowned past life regression courses in Mumbai or wherever you are located.
We all have met somewhere in our past lives. There is a reason why you are attracted to only a few people on the Earth, despite there being millions of people here. There is also a reason why certain people come into your life. Certain love stories last forever, while certain love stories last only for some time.
But there is one love story that continues till your last breath - love between you and your soul. Keep it sizzling forever. Spice up this Valentine's Day by going on a date with 'you.' Don't "fall" in love, "rise" in love!
Author's Bio:
Shipra Singh is the senior content writer of lifepositive.com. She is a kidney donor and has experienced life's many colors, including grey shades, that have helped her discover her spiritual side. The writer believes her life is a novel and she makes sure to turn one page at a time to understand the Divine Plan better. A God-loving person, Shipra has healed herself of life's injuries through cooking and dance therapy. And yes, she is single and intends to chill out this Valentine's Day!