About Mrs. Kondapalli sai himabindu

Sai Himabindu based at Hyderabad is a holistic healer. She is a Reiki Grandmaster and a Melchizedek practitioner. She was first introduced to Reiki by her family member and once she had a session she was guided to learn and was sucked deeper into this modality by the divine guidance.


She has been Practicing healing and teaching for 15 years. She heals health, relationships, finances, spiritual, physical and emotional issues. She has clients both in India and overseas who seek her services.


Her specialization in Karmic reiki a very powerful healing modality makes an immense difference in people's lives. She prepares powerful financial grids using usui reiki symbols and gajanan reiki symbols to solve financial issues.

She is also a Melchizedek practitioner certified from Kamadon Acadamy. Healing with the hologram of love and Merkaba healing.

She helps people to release blockages in order to live a healthy physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life.

Her specliazaton in Humkara with Haleem, it's benefits are helps to achieve targets, helps to increase focus and concentration, helps to create peace and harmony in relastionships, helps to protect against diseases caused due to mental stress, helps to bring in clarity in thouhts, resolving business issues and legal cases.

She also practices twin flame healing, Twin flame love is a love that comes into your life and throws you into a profound path. It doesn't even have to be a romantic love, it can be a meeting of 2 minds, amentorship, a friendship, a soeting else entirely. Your twin flame is your mirror soul. It's another part of you that's that is in another person, andwhen you meet them you are reunited with a soulmate somene you're deeply connected to and someone who is ideally conncted to you, whereas a twin flame is the other half of you.

Teaching and wellness:

She teaches people to affirm empowerment, vitality success, love, and bliss. A committed healer Sai is a well-respected individual who naturally inspires people to transform their lives. Sai's integrative energy healing is drawn from her healing modalities which include Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, money reiki, Karmic reiki, psychic surgery, violet flame healing, aura scanning & cleansing, chakra cleansing & balancing. Melchizedek with Hologram of love and Merkaba healing with the assistance of angels and archangels.Humkara with Haleem, Twin Flame Healing.


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