About Mrs. Malina Kumarasamy

Malina Kumarasamy is one of Malaysia’s experts in energy healing and intuition coaching, reaching out to many through her work. She is actively involved with many NGOs working with children and women and has improved many lives.

Working with Akashic Records, Chakra Affirmations, Aura Analysis, and Hypnotherapy, Malina has a mission to promote robust minds through meditation and healing.

Malina started learning the art of Reiki Healing and later on became a certified practitioner and a Reiki Master, and moved on to learning Hypnotherapy with HM Life Coaching & Training. Her journey continued when she discovered the art of Akashic Records Reading, which helped her heal and clear many doubts and questions on her life purpose.

After many years of learning and developing her skills, Malina decided that it is time she put her gifts to great use. Her first task was a big one. She started a meditation centre to mark the beginning of her passage toward assisting and healing people in need.

If you have not met her yet, you should. She is passionate, loving and the kindest person you would ever meet.

In life, when sour life experiences are your only consort, it takes a while to create something new. It takes a lot to let yourself take on a fresh start because all you've ever known is bitter.

Here's where Malina comes in. Her role is to ease you into alternative thoughts and helping make positive life choices.  Her expertise is listening. We all need a listening ear and as much as we bear, we must have an outlet.  

Malina has done pro-bono work. She has encouraged hundreds of people lead happy and fulfilled lives.

She is also now a consultant and chief trainer for modules in Spirituality and Life Coaching.


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