About Mr. Manish kumar Kanodia

Manish is a Certified Associated Pranic Healer Manish had healed more then 300 patient, 200 patient of covid has also been healed through Pranic healing treatment, Pranic healing is non touch based healing technique , A reading of the energy field around your body through scanning is done, pranic healing can heal all type of disease, like Fear & phobias, Anxiety and panic attacks, insomnia, emotional, mental, Covid-19, asthma, emphysema,, blood pressure, arthritis back pain, spondylitis, cerebral palsy, liver cirrhosis, all type of cancer, leukaemia, heart ailments, diabetes, Lungs and liver disease , ADHD/ Autism, Dyslexia, Asperger, chronic injuries (joint problems, tendonitis, sports injuries, Migraine and Depression, irritable bowel syndrome, Menstrual cramps and pain, myoma, irregular Menstruation, Ovarian Cyst, Vitiligo, sexual impotence, Parkinson, alzheimer, stroke, dialysis, etc. 


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