About Mr. Nitish Suraj Paliwal

Nitish is a certified life coach. He has helped many individuals – realize their true potential, achieve desired results, solve problems with their relationships, bring in motivation and happiness in their lives, and most importantly – helped them meet themselves. He can help you meet your “Life”.

Panch Stupas of “Life” he truly believes in – “Self”, “Relationships”, “Health” “Spirituality” and “Financials”.

Self” – You are God’s unique creation. You are flawless. You are awesome. Don’t worry about how others judge you, treat you and make you feel, as you are born for a purpose. Stay focused, stay positive and stay happy. And most importantly, “Love yourself”.

Relationships” – Commitment is the key to any relationship. Commitment leads to trust, happiness and a blissful life. Invest in your relationship. Do not let it go. Instead, hold on to it. Nurture it, love it and enjoy it. Express your feelings and emotions.

Health” – Focusing on fitness will lead to a lifestyle – which will be full of “positivity”, “energy”, “motivation to fight against odds” and most importantly, “self-realization”, as you start knowing yourself more than before.

Spirituality” – It’s your connection with the god and the universe. How do you feel this connection? When you start feeling the “present” – neither thinking about the “past” nor planning for the “future”, when you are mindful of the “self-talk” – a conversation with the universe, and when you send out positive thoughts, activate the world around yourself positively and start drawing back to yourself positive results.

Financials” – All of us feel that this is the most important thing – I’m sure that it is not. It is an enabler for our luxuries and comforts – but we tend to put “Self”, “Relationships”, “Health” and “Spirituality” at stake. When you start focusing on the other four aspects, finances will be taken care of by the god and the universe. What you start giving to the universe, you start getting back.

It’s now time that you experience the same what others have experienced and that has transformed their lives in a positive way. It’s now time to take that leap forward and walk the journey you have always wanted to, and there is no stopping now. You are on a journey to bring transformation in other people’s lives and help make this world a better place, and the journey begins “NOW” and with “YOU”.


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