About Dr. Raman Deep Kaur

Dr Raman Deep Kaur, PhD (Metaphysics), is an International-Coach-Federation-certified Holistic Transformation Coach and Master Spirit Life Coach. She is a Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Trainer (Richard Bandler). She is also a Reiki Master and Access Consciousness Facilitator. She has been trained with Louise L Hay, Robin Sharma and Dr Joe Vitale. She is also a Past Life Regression Practitioner, certified with Dr Brian L Weiss and recently completed her Diploma in Psychology and Mental Health from the University of Liverpool.

Raman believes in the power of the mind and invents her own processes and programmes engaging all the seasoned knowledge she has converted into wisdom over the last 8 years inculcating quantum physics, metaphysics, life coaching skills, healing and genetic memory reprogramming backed by science.

She is a relationship expert and her niche coaching areas are holistic transformation, transition coaching for teens and young adults, transpersonal, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship coaching, coaching on phobias and addictions, goal setting, reprogramming mindsets and soul coaching. Her mission is to facilitate awareness in individuals, groups and organisations to be self-sustained people who have clarity on their goals, dreams and desires in all the major areas of life vis-à-vis health, career, emotions, finances and relationships. She believes and lives her life on the discipline that when one knows the self, one is ready for success. Raman has been associated with educational institutions, corporates and celebrity individuals. She is the official life coach for Trimax Americas. She has been of lately invited by BPN as the official Life Coach for G D Goenka and Shriram Group of Schools.


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