About Ms. Roshani Shenazz

Wholeistic Living Empowerist is an “Approved Therapist” and “Training Provider” with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM), UK.

In the second innings of her inspirational life, bestselling Author and Wholeistic Living. Empowerist, Roshani Shenazz conducts Spiritual Growth/Inner Potential Workshops, Seminars, Retreats, Meditations, and Sessions, through her successful Wholeistic Living & Holistic Healing Centre™. A dynamic 23 years in media and films, where she worked for some of the biggest names in TV and the Indian Film Industry was interrupted by an unfortunate prolonged illness compounded by sheer medical negligence during 2005-2006, which got her temporarily immobilized waist downwards. Financially broke and living with her then 85 years old Father, she later sold her home to repay debts. Many other closures of her life, followed thereafter. What stayed with her was implicit faith, fortitude, courage and determination to rise above it all. Interactions with two faith healers during her seeming illness and later an Angel book from a friend and the Charles Virtue Angel workshop in 2010, made Roshani more cognizant of the intervention of these powerful beings in human lives.

Trusting her intuition despite financial obstacles, she quit her media dream job to embark on her spiritual journey to enthuse people unveil their own divine potential and recognize the same in others. Transformation followed and still continues with Roshani inspiring many lives across the Globe. Roshani’s mission is to empower and inspire as many souls across the world to discover their true selves, their passions, their life purpose, their own divinity and that of others, and ultimately serve as a Universal Citizen by being the best version of who they can truly be, while igniting the inner Light of many along the way.


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