Since her childhood, Shilpa always felt spiritually inclined and felt a force within which drove her to be of service to humanity at large. A majority of Shilpa's inspiration came when her father was diagnosed with cancer; she was motivated to find answers on how to help him heal. This was when she came across Pranic healing. She learnt the art of Pranic Healing and began practising it immediately. She was able to use it to ease her father's suffering. As she delved deeper into Pranic healing community, she felt more and more at home. Now, Shilpa has been actively involved in spreading the ancient science and art of Pranic Healing for the last four years. Shilpa is passionate about helping people with her healing abilities and has worked with many severe cases of cancer, lung diseases, kidney transplant issues, etc. She continually looks forward to doing more for humanity.
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"I took a Pranic Healing session from Shilpa Ji some days ago. I was suffering from severe headche for long time. After taking session, I experienced improvement in my condition. Thank you Shilpa Ji for your help."
"Thank you so much Shilpa for progressed Significantly in recovery. I am actually in short of words to express my Gratitude.... God Bless you!"
"Thank you so much Shilpa for helping to heal my husband during his critical illness and long hospitalization. Your healing facilitated his recovery and he has regained all his former good health. Please accept our sincere gratitude. We are also grateful as a family for the positivity infused into us through your healing which helped us go through this process with strength."
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