About Ms. Shivvani Rawat

Shivvani Rawat is an International Transformational Speaker and Certified Corporate Trainer , Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner .

She is also practicing Thetahealing, Tarot Card Reading , Angel Card Reading and Co- Founder of Shining Transformation.

Whoever is familiar with Ms. Shivvani will know that her healing sessions and counselling sessions is not just a job for her - it’s her passion, excellent communicator, she desires to bring about changes in the way people think about holistic healing. She pays equal attention to the health of both body and mind .The root cause behind majority of illness that affects the body can be traced back to the mind.

As a Counsellor and Life Coach, she holds one-to-one, couple, and group sessions. She shows the path of Self Love , Joy and Happiness.

She packs her trainings and workshops with rich result-oriented content, engaging activities and humour and is known for communicating with a zest and energy that is highly contagious. She is creative and possesses excellent inter-personal skills.

Shivvani has been happy to dedicate her life for more than 4 years to the wellness of people ; contributing to people’s lives to find their Joy and Happiness .

She is always on a quest to elevate herself , to be enabled to share that energy with people wherever she meets them . Working on new and exciting ways to connect with people and trying to make a difference in their lives not only excites her but energises her .

Ms Shivvani has helped many people gain confidence. She has helped many people gain a greater understanding of their life purpose and direction. She loves to support her clients explore the deeper levels of their mind and she makes sure the knowledge is understood and integrated into the physical self. 

She calls herself An Alchemist Coach and thats who she is ....  She believes every human kind is Magic and the Universe is Magical.


Her achievements:

Shivvani's soul purpose is to inspire humankind all over the World .

She believes that it is possible for every person to live an extraordinary life. She belives that each and everyone has the potential and inner guidance .... once they tap into it , they will be shown the path .

Shivvani is open to support any seeker. She applies few practical tools and techniques in daily lives to ensure positivity in Mind, Body and Thought.

Love and Light to All ....   Joy and Gratitude 


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