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What is Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression Therapists

Q.1 What is Past Life Regression?

A.1 Past Life Regression is an alternative healing therapy. The person is put in a hypnotic state and is regressed back to his/her previous life. It also helps in finding out the root cause of a personʼs problem and finding a solution to it.

Q.2 What is the average cost of taking a PLR session?

A.2 The cost of taking a PLR session depends on a number of factors. It depends on the locality youʼre in. It also depends on the qualification of the healer and the number of years of experience the healer has.

Q.3 Who is the best past life regression, therapist?

A.3 There are a number of well qualified past life regression therapists on our panel. You have to browse and choose which healer is the best for you. Most of our instructors are extremely well qualified and have years of experience. You have to see for yourself which instructor suits you best.

Q.4 Why does the cost of consulting past life regression therapists vary?

A.4 The cost of consulting PLR experts vary because of a number of factors. For example, different instructors vary in their qualifications and the number of years of experience they have.

Do you think that your life has stopped at some point?  

Do you think you are not using your full potential?  
Do you think you are facing problems in your marriage?  
Do you think you are not performing well in your career? 
If any of these questions resonate with you, then you need to take the help of a Past Life Regression Therapist.

What is Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression is a process that gets back to the memories of your past life. This ancient technique is practiced by Psychotherapists or Counselors or Life Coaches to find out the reason why a person is suffering from anxiety, phobia or depression. It is not necessary that our current fears, emotions or attitude depend only on our present life. There might be several reasons for it. Past Life Regression might be one of them. So a psychotherapist helps a person to go back to his life and finds answers to his problems.

This technique is essentially related to the law of karma and depicts that our unexplained fears, phobias or other psychological problems are due to a tragic past event. There might be a past wish, an unfulfilled dream, or a feeling of regret for the past or a past disturbing experience that is creating problems in our present life. Hence past life regression helps in analyzing our problems from the past that are impacting our present life. 
Past Life Regression therapy works on the fact that we are only souls and not the body. When we die our soul just shifts from one body to another by carrying past life experiences with them. 

Does past life regression really work?

Yes, it does. In Past Life Regression therapy you will go back to your past to know your story. Then there will be an experienced therapist who analyses all your past events and comes up with a proper explanation for all your present problems. Past life regression is a spiritual kind of therapy as it deals more with the soul than the body.
Past Life Regression therapy has been offered in India for a while. India now has trained and well experienced Past Life Regression Therapists. Life Positive is glad to have associated with some of the best Past Life Regression therapists in India, who have many years of experience. You can consult your preferred Past Life Regression therapist in India from the list above.

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